Japanese Invasion
- Japanese seized control of Manchria. Japanese military leaders and ultranationalists thought Japan should have an empire equal to those of the Western powers.
- We think it is important becasue Japan was easily able to over run other countries and because of their great success and military strength.
Germany's First Move
- Hitler sent troops into Rhineland and violated the Treaty of Versailles. He thought of the Western democracies as weak and continued to violate the treaty with the build up of his military. 2.This event was important because since Rhineland was "demilitarized" from allied forces, this was Hitler's chance to gain territory and build is growing army.
Nazis Storm Poland
- Nazi forces stormed Poland, revaling the enormous power of Hitler's blitzkrieg, or "lightining war." Here Hitler also revealed the Luftwaffe, or the German airforce. 2.This event was important because both German and Russian forces began to gain more territory, which helped them in the war. Also because of this, it slowed down allied forces and the resist of war against Germany.
The French Surrender
- Italy attacked France from the south while the Germans also attacked them along with the French. With the French overrun the Germans forced them to sign surrender documents. 2.This event is important because during the war, the ability to make France surrender was an accomplishment for Hitler. Although this happend, some French who escaped, fled to Britain waitng for their retaliation on German forces
The German "Blitz"
- The Germans flew over London, the capital of England, and bomded them severly. The bombing continued for 57 nights and periodically to next May.
- This event was important because it really tested the faith of the British, even though they endured the blitz. Parliament continued to meet and citizens hid in homes and bomb shelters protecting them from further unseen bombings
Cold War Begins
- Stalin want to create a communist government to defend against German forces. Although this happend German still invaded Russia. 2.This event was important because Stalin, the Soviet Union's leader, began to push Germans out of Eastern Europe with the Red Army. Also, Stalin continued his push towards communism, which he did so, eliminating any other anti-communist parties.
Hitler Violates Pact
- The Nazis had signed a pact with the Soviets called the Nazi-Soviet Pact. In the operation called Barbarossa, Hitler violated this pact by invading Russia. He said that he did this for the vast natural resources within Russia. 2.This event was important because this gave Hitler a chance to invade Russia, which was a obstacle in the way of Hitler's world control. But, Hitler was also unprepared for the harsh winter that would come, which stalled his army.
Pearl Harbor
- General Tojo ordered a suprise attack on the Americans in Pearl Harbor. The Japanese striked from the air bombing and killing 2400 people and destroying several battleships. 2.This event was important because this action is what led America, under no negotiation, to join the war. This also had a lasting effect of nationalism upon Americans and sparked the flame of courage in Americans to fight for their country.
Meeting of Big Three
- After the United States enter the war allied leaders met up to plan out their strategy for war. Their main focus was to end the war in Europe rather than in Asia. 2.This event was important because it tested the faith that the allies had in each other. Roosevelt and Church hill were afraid of Europe's domination by Stalin, while Stalin wanted help to relieve pressure from the Soviet Union
Battle of Coral Sea
- It was a battle that took place in the Pacific and lasted for five days. It eas the first battle in naval history where enemy ships never sought each other. 2.This was an important event because the Americans were able to prevent the Japanese from seizing several islands that were important for their war strategy. Also, America was able to sink most of Japan's navy.
Battle of Midway
- This battle was fought entirely from the air and when this battle ended the allied forces went home victorious. Americans destroyed four Japanese carriers and more than 250 planes. 2.This event was important because it lessened Japan's military power. This also proved better for Americans, knowing that they have fought back well against their enemies. After this war, Japan was unable to lauanch any more offensive attacks.
Battle of Stalingrad
- Hitler launched a new offensive attack to gain rich oil fields in Stalingrad.
- This was an important event because Stalin was able to defend the city of Stalingrad, which Hitler wanted. He was able to hold out until the German commander finally surrendered. Because of this, they were able to push German forces out entirely from Soviet territory.
Blockading Japan
- The American navy blockaded Japan to allow the American bombers to bombard Japanese cities and industries.
- This played a critical role for the allies becasue by bombing industries the Americans stopped the Japanese from producing any more military weapons.
D-Day Assult
1.Allies chose this date to begin invading the French territory. The day before, paratroopers were launched behind, while the next day, 156,000 allied troop were sent across the english chanel from Britain.
2.I believe this event was important because it was the start of the Allie's plans beginning to work towards fighting the Germans and decreasing their territory. This allowed the Allies within a year to recapture all of France. -
V-E Day
- Soviet troops invaded and captured Berlin, at this time Hitler commited suscide in an underground bunker. After 12 years of fighting Hitler's Reich was in crummbles. 2.The Allies and the Soviet Union were able to defeat the Nazi power, so as Hitlers image of a "thousand year reich' was long gone. This was due to Hitler's poor desicion making and that geography of fighting on several fronts was a disadvantage to him.
Manhattan Project
1.As a race to hareness the powers of the atom, the United States created and successfully tested the atomic bomb at Alamogordo, New Mexico.This was thought to be the chance at ending this tragic war.
2.This was an imprtant event because Americans were the first to realsie the true power of atomic energy. They had doubts on how it would end the war and how it would impact the world as it saw its complete devastation. Further more this weapon would be used to end the war. -
Atomic Bomb
- On this day the Americans flew over Hiroshima and dropped the atomic bomb. This bomb flattened four square miles and killed 70,000 people instantly.
- This was important because it showed Americas techinological and militray strengths. Americans were able to force Japan into surrender, but leave them in total devastation of nuclear power used againt their country.
Peace Treaty
- After the second atomic bomb drop the emporer Hirohito of Japan forced the Japanese government to surrender. They signed the formal peace treaty on the American battleship Missouri. 2.This event was important because it led to the end of the war, which all nations wanted, even though all of them suffered terrible losses in the war. After everything, peace was obtained and the Allies celebrated their victory.
Truman Doctrine
- Truman made this doctrine to help the people in America that were wrongly subjegated by armed minorities and outside influences. This doctrine limited communism in the Soviet Union. 2.This was an important event because this doctrine would help the United States in resisting Soviet expansion in Europe or elsewhere in the world. Truman also help aided countries against communist threats.
Berlin Airlift
- Stalin attempted to force western allies out of Belin by sealing off railroads and highways in the western sectors of the city. This course of action was followed due to his resentment against the western moves to rebuild Germany, which triggered a crsis in Berlin. 2.This event was important because it led to Soviets ending the blockade, but also deepend the crisis even though the West won. 2.
NATO Establishment
- The NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization) was a newly formed military alliance between the United States, Canada, and ten other countries. Every nation's soul purpose was to defend each other if there are attacked.
- This was an important because this alliance between the new allied nations held a strong bond to eachother, because they would help eachother in times or war or if one nation was attacked.
Warsaw Pact
- The Soviet Union responded to the NATO establishment by forming its own military alliance called the Warsaw Pact. It was formed between the Soviet Union and seven satellites around eastern Europe. 2.This was an important event because it cemented the divide between Eastern and Western Europe. It was assembled as an reaction to the formation of the NATO establishment.