Manchuko (Japanese Invasion of Manchuria)
The Japanese took over Machuko/Manchuria in China for Raw Materials, such as oil and gas. Because they would not stop, Americans stopped sending the Japanese oil they needed. This led to the Japanese bombing Pearl Harbor in 1941. -
Hitler Made Chancellor of Germany
The turning point of Germany was when Hitler became chancellor of Germany and essentially becoming dictator. It was the beginning of Hitlet's dictatorship and it was the beginning of the 3rd Reich. -
The Anschluss
Germany and Austria had formed an unofficial union, it was unofficially due to the conditions of the Treaty of Versailles. This was important for it was the first real expansion made by Germany. -
Nazis in Nazi Germany killed somewhere around 100 Jews via fires in homes, schools, and synagogues across the country. This was the beginning of the Holocaust. -
Invasion of Poland
Germany invaded Poland and was overrun/defeated within two weeks of the invasion. This was the official start of WWII. -
Defense and evacuation of British and allied forces in France - 861 vessels carried 139,997 troops from France. It signified the Americans saving the British from the Germans. -
Bataan Death March
The US surrenders the Bataan Peninsula to the Japanese, 75,000 American/Filipino troops marched 65 miles to prison camps, a large nuber of them died on the way. It was important for it was a big loss for the Americans and our largest surrender. -
Battle of Midway
Americans defeated the Japanese in an attack from the Imperial Japanese Army 1,000 miles, more or less, from Hawaii. This was the first Japanese loss and it stopped Japanese advancement. -
D-Day/Operation OVerlord/Invasion of Normandy. It was to take France/Paris from the Germans. It was the start of Allied victories against Germany. -
Battle of the Bulge
The Battle of the Bulge was the first battle which Nazi Germany had lost against the Allies, driving them out of the country. It was called "The Battle of the Bulge" for it had caused a large bulge in ally defenses. It signified the oncoming end of the war. -
Yalta Conference
The Yalta Conference was the week long meeting of Winston Churchill, Franklin D. Roosevelt, and Joseph Stalin. It was the initial foreshadowing of the cold war. -
V-E Day
The Allies win against Europe. It signified the end of fighting against Germany. -
Bombing of Hiroshima
The bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki was used to force the Japanese to stop fighting. It was the first use of the atomic bomb. -
V-J Day
The Japanese officially surrendered, however V-J Day could also be considered August 15th, 1945 as that was the day the Japanese ceased fighting. V-J Day signified the end of the war.