
WWII Timeline

  • Adolf Hitler becomes Chancellor of Germany

    Adolf Hitler becomes Chancellor of Germany
    In 1933 Adolf Hitler is appointed Chancellor by Paul Von Hidenburg. This is an important event because it is the official start of Hitler's power and rule of Germany and the Nazi Party.
  • Hitler becomes Fuhrer of Germany

    Hitler becomes Fuhrer of Germany
    After the death of Paul Von Hidenberg, Adolf Hitler abolished the position of President in Germany and names himself Fuhrer. He then forces members of the military to swear allegiance to him. This is important because it gives Hitler complete rule over Germany
  • Hitler invades Austria

    Hitler invades Austria
    In March 1938 Hitler makes his first advance towards world domination by taking over the country of Austria. Later, in September 1938, he continues by taking the southern part of Czechoslovakia. After, he violates the Munich Pact, which was supposed to stop him from taking the rest of Czechoslovakia, in February 1939. All of this is important because it is the beginning of Nazi reign over Europe.
  • Hitler signs the Non-Aggressive Pact with the Soviet Union

    Hitler signs the Non-Aggressive Pact with the Soviet Union
    In August 1939 Hitler signed the Pact with the Soviet Union which stated that the Germans and Soviets would not attack or interfere with one another. This is important to the war because it allowed Hitler to take Poland, and the rest of Europe, with little inference from large, powerful countries and allowed the Germans to only fight on one front instead of two.
  • Britain and France declare war on Germany

    Britain and France declare war on Germany
    After Hitler invaded Poland on September 1, 1939 Britain and France declare war on Germany. This is important because it is the official start of WWII.
  • Tripartite Pact

    Tripartite Pact
    This was a pact signed by Germany, Italy, and Japan. This is important to WWII because it made the axis powers strong and more widespread.
  • Lend-Lease Bill

    Lend-Lease Bill
    In March 1941 FDR pushes for the Lend-Lease Bill which would send Britain military equipment to fight the war. This is important because it shows that US is no longer neutral in WWII which ultimately leads to the US joining the War.
  • The Bombing of Pearl Harbor

    The Bombing of Pearl Harbor
    An attack launched by Japanese forces on the US Naval base in Pearl Harbor. Any ships and aircraft were sunk by Japanese planes. This is an important event because it is the overall reason the US joins WWII.
  • Operation Overlord

    Operation Overlord
    Commonly known as D-Day, Operation Overlord was the storming of the beaches of Normandy, France by US forces, against Nazi Germany. This is an important event because it is the first steps toward the end of German rule over France and in the direction of an end to WWII
  • German surrender after the Battle of Berlin

    German surrender after the Battle of Berlin
    After Allied take-over and victory in the Battle of Berlin, the Germans surrender completely to the Allied forces. This is important because it is the end to Hitler and Germany's reign over Europe and the closing steps to WWII