WWII Timeline

By Evan E
  • MaoZedong heads Long March

    MaoZedong, although not actually marching with the troops, leads the communists troops in a 6000 mile retreat from the nationalist.
  • Germany invades Poland; France and Great Britain declare war on Germany

    In the efforts of taking Russia, Hitler moves into Poland, simultaneously breaking the English, and Russian peace treaties.
  • Japan attacks Pearl Harbor

    Japanese fighters surprise attack the US naval base located at Pearl Harbor, destroying most of our Pacific Fleet, and bringing us into the war.
  • Germany surrenders

    Having failed at the Battle of the Bulge, Germany finally anounces terms of unconditional surrender. Hitler killed himself to escape the Soviets.
  • Period: to

    Allies use atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki

    In order to break the spirits of the Japanese people, and to avoid having to fight a land war against the Japanese's million man army, the US drops the only two nuclear bombs ever used in combat on Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
  • United Nations formed

    To prevent any kind of conflict like World War 2 from ever happening again, an international organization was established to keep the world peaceful, called the UN