1935 Hitler
Hitler began vto defy the Treaty of Versaille by announcing that Germany would build a new air force and begin a military draft that would greatly expand its army. Other nations allowed this, trying to avoid war at all costs. -
Hitler threatened to invade Austria unless Austrian Nazis were given important government posts. Austria's chancellor tried to put the matter of unification with Germany to a democratic vote. Hiter then sent troops into Autria and announced Anschluss, or unification. -
Munich Conference
Great Britain, France, Italy, and Germany met to decide Czechoslovakia's fate. France and Britain agreed to the demands of Hitler, using the policy known as Appeasment to try and keep the peace. -
The policy of appeasement, letting Germany break the laws of the Treaty of Versailles in order to keep peace, failed to keep Germany from invading Czechoslovakia and deviding it. Slovakia became independent by name, but was under German control and the Czech lands became a German protectorite. -
The Polish city of Danzig was 90% German-speaking and Hitler demanded it be returned to Germany. France and Great Britain knew that, due to Hitler's enormous demands, that war was inevitable. They stated that if Germany was to invade Poland, that they would declare war on Germany. -
Phony or BoreWar
France and Great Britain sat defensively on the French border at a standstill. -
Nazi-Soviet Pact
The USSR had a poor economy and could not afford to go to another war. Germany and the USSR signed a non-aggression pact known as the Nazi-Soviet Pact. This was shocking because Naziism and Communism were almost complete opposites. France and Great Britain weren't aware of the secret deal to divide Poland in half between Gemany and the USSR. -
Sep. 1
Germany invaded Poland. Then France and Great Britain declared war on Germany -
A unrelentless attack by German forces to keep the enemy from recovering. -
The Fall of Poland
Germany took the capital of Poland, Warsaw.