Japan invades Manchuria
Japan invades the country of China in Manchuria. One of the causes of WWII. Japan had to invade in order to open up new trading blocks. -
Hindenburg is elected president of Germany
Hindenburg defeats the Nazi Party and Adolf Hitler. Doesn't stop the Nazi Party. The worst has yet to come for Germany. -
FDR elected President
FDR is elected President of the Untied States of America. Will have a long presidency. -
Hitler becomes chancellor of Germany
Hindenburg appoints Hitler as chancellor of Germany. A huge mistake for Hindenburg. -
Hitler takes power
Hitler takes the head of the German nation. Hindenburg is reduced to a figure head. -
Hitler gains full power
Hitler assumes the presidency of Germany when Hindenburg dies and thus gains full control of the government. Nazi Germany now in full swing. -
Nuremburg Laws are past
In Germany, the first Nuremberg Laws are passed revoking citizenship from Jews and prohibiting them from marrying non-Jews. Things start to look bad for the Jews. -
Olympics August 1-16
Berlin Olympic Games. Nazis disguise outward signs of anti-Semitism. Everything from the outside looks fine. -
Austria annexed by Germany
Austria is annexed by Germany. Germany raises many eyebrows. -
Germany invades Poland
Germany invades Poland from the west. Poland can't defend itself. -
Pearl Harbor
Japan bombs the United Sates at Pearl Harbor. Forcing the U.S. to join the war. Japan poked the sleeping giant.