WWII Timeline

  • Japan invades Manchuria

    Japan invades Manchuria
    Japan invades the country of China in Manchuria. One of the causes of WWII. Japan had to invade in order to open up new trading blocks.
  • Hindenburg is elected president of Germany

    Hindenburg is elected president of Germany
    Hindenburg defeats the Nazi Party and Adolf Hitler. Doesn't stop the Nazi Party. The worst has yet to come for Germany.
  • FDR elected President

    FDR elected President
    FDR is elected President of the Untied States of America. Will have a long presidency.
  • Hitler becomes chancellor of Germany

    Hitler becomes chancellor of Germany
    Hindenburg appoints Hitler as chancellor of Germany. A huge mistake for Hindenburg.
  • Hitler takes power

    Hitler takes power
    Hitler takes the head of the German nation. Hindenburg is reduced to a figure head.
  • Hitler gains full power

    Hitler gains full power
    Hitler assumes the presidency of Germany when Hindenburg dies and thus gains full control of the government. Nazi Germany now in full swing.
  • Nuremburg Laws are past

    Nuremburg Laws are past
    In Germany, the first Nuremberg Laws are passed revoking citizenship from Jews and prohibiting them from marrying non-Jews. Things start to look bad for the Jews.
  • Olympics August 1-16

    Olympics   August 1-16
    Berlin Olympic Games. Nazis disguise outward signs of anti-Semitism. Everything from the outside looks fine.
  • Austria annexed by Germany

    Austria annexed by Germany
    Austria is annexed by Germany. Germany raises many eyebrows.
  • Germany invades Poland

    Germany invades Poland
    Germany invades Poland from the west. Poland can't defend itself.
  • Pearl Harbor

    Pearl Harbor
    Japan bombs the United Sates at Pearl Harbor. Forcing the U.S. to join the war. Japan poked the sleeping giant.