WWII Timeline

  • Mao Heads Long March

    Mao Heads Long March
    Communist forces in China were betrayed by their Nationalist allies in 1934, and were almost wiped out, but embarked on the "Long March" north, where they set up a new base of operations.
  • Nazi Invasion of Poland, declaration ow war against the Third Reich by Britain and France

    Nazi Invasion of Poland, declaration ow war against the Third Reich by Britain and France
    6 German armored divisions and 47 Infantry divisions invaded Poland at dawn on September 1st 1939. The outnumbered Polish soon were pushed back to Warsaw, where constant bombardment by the Germans forced a surrender. The Soviet Union invaded Poland from the East, and Poland was totally enveloped by mid October that same year.
  • Imperial Japanese bombing of Pearl Harbor

    Imperial Japanese bombing of Pearl Harbor
    A surprise attack by Imperial Japanese forces launched on Pearl Harbor in Hawaii crippled the American Pacific Fleet, and dragged America into war against Japan. Germany and Italy declared war on the US one day later.
  • UN Formed

    UN Formed
    The United Nations was the international league derived from the disaster that was the League of Nations. The UN is still around today, and is respected, and has accomplished much more, than its predecessor.
  • Unconditional surrender of Nazi Germany

    Unconditional surrender of Nazi Germany
    Nazi forces, after having been pushed to the gates of Berlin, surrender unconditionally after Adolf Hitler took his life, and that of his mistress Eva Braun, in his bunker in Berlin. May 8th is VE (Victory in Europe) Day internationally.
  • Atomic Bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki

    Atomic Bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki
    The atomic bombs Little Boy and Fat Man are dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki respectively. This forced the Japanese people to surrender, and ended the Second World War for good. The B-29 Superfortress Enola Gay dropped both bombs.