WWII Timeline

  • End of WW1

    End of WW1
    WW1 ends with German defeat
  • Leauge of Nations founded

    Leauge of Nations founded
  • Signing of the tresty of Versallies

    Signing of the tresty of Versallies
    World War I officially ended with the signing of the Treaty of Versailles on June 28, 1919. Negotiated among the Allied powers with little participation by Germany, its 15 parts and 440 articles reassigned German boundaries and assigned liability for reparations.
  • Hitler becomes leader

    Hitler becomes leader
    Hitler becomes leader of National Socialist (Nazi) Party
  • Hitler becomes Chancellor of Germany

    On the night of January 30, 1933, the Nazis organized a massive torchlight parade in Berlin to celebrate the appointment of Hitler as Chancellor of Germany
  • Germany quits the leauge of nations

  • Nazis murder Austrian Chancellor Dollfuss.

    Nazis murder Austrian Chancellor Dollfuss.
  • Hitler violates the Treaty of Versailles by introducing military conscription.

    Hitler violates the Treaty of Versailles by introducing military conscription.
  • German Jews stripped of rights by Nuremberg Race Laws.

    German Jews stripped of rights by Nuremberg Race Laws.
  • Gestapo

    gestapo is placed above the law
    Olymipc games also start in Berlin
  • Nazis and Soviets sign Pact.

    Nazis and Soviets sign Pact.
    Soviet Russia' Foreign Minister Molotov signs the Nazi-Soviet Non-aggression Pact while German Foreign Minister Von Ribbentrop. News of the Pact stunned the world and paved the way for the beginning of World War II with Hitler assured his troops would not have to fight a war on two fronts.
  • Nazis Invade Poland

    Nazis Invade Poland
    Nazis invade Poland
  • Britain, France, Australia and New Zealand declare war on Germany.

    Britain, France, Australia and New Zealand declare war on Germany.
    Britain, France, Australia and New Zealand declare war on Germany.
  • Canada declares war on Germany; Battle of the Atlantic begins.

    Canada declares war on Germany; Battle of the Atlantic begins.
    Canada declares war on Germany; Battle of the Atlantic begins.
  • Nazis begin murder

    Nazis begin murder
    Code named "Aktion T 4," the Nazi euthanasia program to eliminate "life unworthy of life" at first focused on newborns and very young children. Midwives and doctors were required to register children up to age three who showed symptoms of mental retardation, physical deformity, or other symptoms included on a questionnaire from the Reich Health Ministry.
  • Germans attack Russia

    Germans attack Russia
    German soldiers battle the Russians after the start of Operation Barbarossa, the Nazi invasion of Soviet Russia.
  • Japanese attack pearl harbor

    Japanese attack pearl harbor
    The Americans are taken completely by surprise. The first attack wave targets airfields and battleships. The second wave targets other ships and shipyard facilities. The air raid lasts until 9:45 a.m. Eight battleships are damaged, with five sunk.
  • United States and Britain declare war on Japan.

    United States and Britain declare war on Japan.
    President Franklin D. Roosevelt signs the Declaration of War against Japan, December 8, 1941
  • D-Day landings on the northern coast of France.

    D-Day landings on the northern coast of France.
    General Eisenhower gives the order of the day "Full victory - Nothing else" to paratroopers in England just before they board airplanes in the first D-Day assault.
  • Massive German surrender at Aachen, Germany.

    Massive German surrender at Aachen, Germany.
  • Adolf Hitler commits suicide.

    Adolf Hitler commits suicide.
    Hitler and his wife then went back into their private quarters while Bormann and Goebbels remained quietly nearby. Several moments later a gunshot was heard.
  • First atomic bomb dropped, on Hiroshima, Japan

    First atomic bomb dropped, on Hiroshima, Japan
  • Second atomic bomb dropped, on Nagasaki, Japan.

    Second atomic bomb dropped, on Nagasaki, Japan.
    Moments after the atomic bomb was dropped by a U.S. B-29 Superfortress, a cloud forms over the Japanese city of Nagasaki rising over 60,000 feet.
  • Japanese agree to unconditional surrender.

    Japanese agree to unconditional surrender.
    President Harry Truman announces the Japanese Surrender. August 14, 1945.
  • Nuremberg war crimes trials begin.

    Nuremberg war crimes trials begin.