WWII & The Foreign Policy during the Early Cold War

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    V-2 Plane Incident

    The incident, V-2 rocket, a German ballistic missile developed during World war II. It was capable of reaching altitudes of over 100 kilometers and had a range of about 320 kilometers. This means that after war the expertise and technology behind the V-2 plane incident were crucial to the United States and the Soviet union after the war.
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    Potsdam Conference

    The Potsdam Conference was a meeting between the Allied Powers discussing the end of the World War II in Europe. The people who were in the meeting President Harry S. Truman, British Prime Minister Winston Churchill and the Soviet Union, leader Joseph Stalin. This conference is significant to the history of the United states since it allowed territorial changes in Europe across the borders and establishing peace within the Cold war and before.
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    V-J Day (Victory over Japan Day)

    This marks the end of World War II in which involved a foreign of countries allowing tranquility over the countries. This countries involved the Allied Powers (United states, Soviet union, etc.) against the Axis powers such as (Germany, Italy, et.) At the time in office, President Harry S. Truman declared victory over Japan after Japan surrendered to the US.
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    The Berlin Airlift

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    NATO created

    The NATO , North Atlantic Treaty Organization, was created Postwar which established a defensive alliance over the North American and the European nations. NATO consisted of 32 countries in the following territories. The organization allowed crisis management that address security challenges and over all humanitarian missions and efforts. It promoted peace and stability in the region.
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    Bays of Pigs Invasion

    A 1,400-1,500 Cuban exiles were launched causing the invasion of Cuba in the south coast. This Cuban exiles happen due to the opposition of Fidel Castro, who was a communist president whose belief's and criticisms affected the entire country. This event provoked and shaped the strength of Fidel Castro's administration. Since it was unsuccessful, it caused the country to be under control with no liberal government.