WWII Sumative

  • Period: to

    Time span

  • Franklin Roosevelt is elected the president of the Untied States.

    Franklin Roosevelt is elected the president of the Untied States.
  • The first concentration camp is put in to use.

    The first concentration camp is put in to use.
    The concentration camp Sturmabteilung help many of Hitler's political rivals and many Jewish people.
  • Hitler rises into dictatorship in Germany

    Hitler rises into dictatorship in Germany
    Hitler came to have power as a dictator by the vote of the German Parliament
  • Germany quits the League of Nations.

    Germany quits the League of Nations.
    Germany was a part of the league of Nations. Hitler had told the delegates to leave because Germany was disarmed.
  • Adolf Hitler is now the Führer of Germany.

    Adolf Hitler is now the Führer of Germany.
    With this new title Hitler was able to gain more power over Germany.
  • Japan invades China.

    Japan invades China.
    This causes World War II to start in the Pacific
  • The Munich agreement was signed

    The Munich agreement was signed
    The Munich agreement would force the Czechoslovak Republic to give up the Sudetenland to Nazi Germany. The Sudetenland was land of mainly German speakers located to the south east part of Germany.
  • Russia and Germany sign the nonaggression agreement

    Russia and Germany sign the nonaggression agreement
    The nonaggression agreement would make it so Nazi Germany and Russia would not attack each other.
  • Germany invades Poland.

    Germany invades Poland.
    The invasion of Poland marks the start of World war two in Europe.
  • France and Great Britain both Declare war on Germany

    France and Great Britain both Declare war on Germany
    The two countries declared war because Germany's invasion of Poland. Great Britain had assured the security of Poland's boarders.
  • Russia helps invade Poland from the east.

    Once Poland was taken over it was split between Germany and Russia.
  • Italy enters the war.

    Italy enters the war.
    Italy joined the war with the axis powers
  • Egypt is invaded

    Egypt is invaded
    The Italians invade Egypt which is controlled by Britain
  • Bulgaria joined the Axis

    Bulgaria joined the Axis
  • The U.S declares war on Japan

    The U.S declares war on Japan
    The Japanese military attacked Pearl Harbor. As a result Franklin Roosevelt asked congress for a declaration of war.
  • U.S navy wins Midway

    U.S navy wins Midway
    The battle at Midway was a huge turning point for the Pacific war. This marked the downfall of Japans navy due with heavy losses.
  • Germany attacks Soviet Russia

    Germany attacks Soviet Russia
    German forces fought to Stalingrad. Thus creating a new front and offensive.
  • The North African campaign ends

    The North African campaign ends
    Allied forces make the Axis powers surrender. The Axis's plan to take the oil fields did not work.
  • Hitler orders a tank offensive to attack Russia

    Hitler orders a tank offensive to attack Russia
    Hitler's attempt at attacking Russia fails. In turn Russia launches their own attack after defeating Hitler's attack.
  • A "Second Front" is made in France.

    A "Second Front" is made in France.
    The United Stated and Britain landed on a beach in France. The Allied powers won the beach, thus making the second front. This battle is known as D-Day
  • The Battle of the Bulge

    The Battle of the Bulge
    The battle of the bulge is Germany's last stand against the allied forces. Their push was not enough to over come the opposition.
  • Hitler is dead

    Hitler is dead
    Hitler commits suicide because he knew there was no more winning the war.