U.S. Stock Market Crashes
The U.S. Stock Market Crash not only caused damaged the U.S. economy, but it also had a serious toll on Europe. As a result, many countries began to panic and adjust but most significantly, many peoples wealth and status were affected. -
Japan Seizes Manchuria
Not only did conflict arise in Asia, but many European countries were too affected. China has a long reputation of serving as a trading post, and as a result of Japan taking over part of their region, trade was affected by shifted Chinese policies to Europe and the U.S. -
FDR is elected president
FDR promised a changed America and imposed major policies such as the New Deal to improve life. However, dispite his efforts to remain out of the war, he rebounded it by arousing American Nationalism after the attack of pearl harbor by the Japanese. -
Hitler is named Chancellor of Germany
As a result of the powerful sanctions imposed by the Treaty of Versailles, the German economy was in shambles and major inflation had risen. As a result, many sought radical solutions as a way to fix the problem and properly seek revenge for Germany. This led to the rise of Hitler alongside with the rise of the Nazi party which inevitably led Europe into another major conflict. -
Mussolini takes power in Italy
Mussolini is known for leading the Facist party in Italy and one of the key individuals who created the concept of facism. This was the concept that a dictator had complete power and would use terror to rule his people. This had a major effect on Europe because after the conditions of countries (primarily Germany) were in shambles, many radicals followed similar policies to gain power. -
U.S. Neutrality Act
Basically America's way to avoid the war. The United States would not take sides and more improtantly, the would remain in isolationism until the events of pearl harbor. -
Italy Invades Ethiopia
There was a border issue between Italy and Ethipoia that gave Mussolini an excuse to invade the country. As a result, this showed how ineffective the league of nations was at preventing war because of the general lack of support that it had and the failed economic sanctions to towards Italy. Thus, this event ultimately preppared another war in Europe. -
Germany militarizes the Rhineland
As a result of Germany militarizing the Rhineland, this broke the Treaty of Versailles and ultimately paved way towards war. Although that was the case, the Treaty of Versailles was not well mananged and this gave Germany the opportunity the country needed to rebuild and seek revenge. -
Hitler defies the Treaty of Versailles
Hitler's remilitarization of Germany and most importantly the Rhileland violated the sanctions of the Treaty of Versailles. Furthermore, the policy of appeasement, in hopes of avoiding another war, failed and gave Germany the ability to build up and eventually the war was started when Germany attacked Poland. -
Civil War erupts in Spain
Issue caused by the events of Madrid that led to a military uprising. This was important because Spain was offered help from nazi Germany and facist Italy and ultimately brought them into the bigger European conflict. -
Japan Invades China
When the japanese claimed that the Chinese fired at them, Japan used this as an excuse to invade China furthermore alongside with their control of Manchuria. This invasion was gruesome and devistating for many and is termed "Rape of Nanking." By 1937, Japan had managed to control major ports and cities. -
This was the annexation of Austria into nazi Germany, and was announced by Hitler. This was significant in that Germany was exanding throughout Europe. -
Munich Conference
A conference in which Hitler met with the heads of other countries such as France, United Kingdom, and Italy. It was promised that Hitler could take the Sudetenland if he promised not to invade anywhere else. -
The Kristallnacht, also refered to as the night of the broken glass, was a deadly attack towards those who were Jewish. This has significance to the war because one of the German Nazi parties key ideal was to create a aryan race. -
Nazi-Soviet Pact
A secret agreement between the Soviet Union and nazi Germany that they would strike from both sides and first invade Poland and then Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, and Romania. This guarenteed both Germany and Russia spheres of influence in these regions. -
Germany Invades Poland
Germany's invasion of Poland was what ultimately started WWII. This action gave Germany control of Poland as well after gruesome battles. -
Phony War
Early phase in WWII that showed a lack of military opperations by western allies. This phase remained for months after Germany's invasion of Poland by France and Great Brittain. -
Churchill is Elected Prime Minister in England
Clearly the policy of appeasement imposed by Neville Chamerberlain was a failure and as a result, he withdrew his position as prime minister. This allowed Churchill to gain power and ultimately lead the war to an end. -
France Surrenders
Germany continues to use its blitzkrieg attack to advance. Eventually France is pushed back and the country loses countrol of Paris. Furthermore, as the French continue to take a major toll and the are pushed back further, they announce that the country cannot continue its fighting. -
Miracle at Dunkirk
On the first day around 7000+ troops were evacuated from France, and by the 9th day, more than 330,000 troops were saved. These troops were saved by the cut off by the German army. -
Battle of Britain
The Battle of Britain is often refered to as a war by the German luftwaffe. These airstrikes managed to destroy major cities, however, the British radar eventually came handy and gave them a way to counter the attacks. -
Japan Seizes French Indo-China
The Chinese sought the French Indo-China as a way to mobilize and fuel up their army to fight with the Japanese. Japan saw this as a threat and invaded this region. As a result, the had to fight a gruesome battle with the French. Several days later, however, the French made an agreement with the Japanese. -
Lend-Lease Act
This was the principle means of U.S. military aid to foreign nations. It gave the president the power to transfer arms and matterials to the country's that needed it. -
Atlantic Charter
This charter was basically formed by the allies of WWII. It basically stated the goals of the war and limited countries from using the war to achieve things otherwise. -
Attack on Pearl Harbor
This attack was what led the United States to withdraw from isolationism and the U.S. joined the war. As a result, the U.S. began to seek revenge on Japan through ocean warfare as well as primarily attacking Germany.