
WWII Project

  • Annexation of Sudetenland

    Annexation of Sudetenland
    The Annexation of the Sudetenland spanned from 10/1/1938, to 10/10/1938. The Annexation of the Sudetenland was when the Czech people that identified as German wanted to join Germany. So the land where they were located was annexed, and became apart of the German Empire.
  • Pearl Harbor

    Pearl Harbor
    The sovereign nation of Japan planned, and carried out a surprise attack on the American Naval Base of Pearl Harbor. This attack caused the deaths of 2,403 and wounding of 1,175 Americans. Meanwhile the Japanese suffered 64 military personnel. This was the final straw, and caused America to join the war.
  • Japanese Internment Camps

    Japanese Internment Camps
    These were apart of FDR's Executive order 9066, where over 120,000 Japanese-American citizens (mainly located by the pacific coasts), were re-located to Internment camps between 2/19/1942, and 3/20/1946
  • Island-Hopping

    This was a strategical tactic used by the US in the Pacific theater. The US attack strategically chosen islands that would get them closer and closer to the sovereign nation of Japan. They used this tactic until an invasion of Japan was an option. however, the dropping of the Atom-bombs in Hiroshima and Nagasaki, deemed an invasion unnecessary
  • Battle of Midway

    Battle of Midway
    This was a turning point in the pacific theater, when Japanese, and American forces clashed by the island of Midway. Seeing as how there was very little land to fight one, the enitrety of the battle consisted of aircraft, and ships. It ended with and American victory. This event lasted from 6/4/1942, to 6/7/1942.
  • Guadalcanal

    This was the first major offensive campaign launched by the Allied powers against the sovereign nation of Japan. It lasted from 8/7/1942, to 2/9/1943
  • Stalingrad

    The Battle of Stalingrad was not only the largest, but also the bloodiest battle of WWII. It involved over 2.2 million people, and resulted with the deaths and injuries of around 2 million people. This battle occurred when Germany invaded the Soviet Union. It lasted from 8/23/1942, to 2/2/1943.
  • D-Day

    This was the day that American, British, and Canadian troops landed on the shores of Nazi occupied Normandy. Around 150,000 soldiers died on the shores, in the skies, and in the mainland.
  • The Philippines

    The Philippines
    The campaign within the Philippines lasted from 1944, to 1945. It was filled with thousands of casualties, death marches, concentration camps, and included Island Hopping.
  • Meeting at Yalta

    Meeting at Yalta
    This was a meeting there Roosevelt, Churchill, and Stalin met to determine what would happen to post-war Germany, and Europe. It lasted from 2/4/1945, to 2/11/1945.
  • Fall of Berlin

    Fall of Berlin
    Soviet troops crossed into the borders of Germany, and proceeded to attack Berlin. This battle resulted in a Soviet victory, with the suicide of Hitler, and several other high ranking officers. It lasted from 4/16/1945 to 5/2/1945
  • Death of Hitler

    Death of Hitler
    There is a lot of controversy with this topic, seeing as how most people don't think that Hitler committed suicide. But this was a symbol for the end of the European Theater in WWII
  • Los Alamos

    This was the location where the Trinity Project took place. It resulted in the first ever successful testing of an atomic bomb. This was vital to the ending of WWII, and was led by the Physicist Dr. Robert, J, Oppenheimer.
  • Meeting at Potsdam

    Meeting at Potsdam
    This was the meeting between the "Big three", known as Churchill, Stalin, and Truman. The meeting took place between 7/17/1945, to 8/2/1945. The purpose of this meeting was to determine what to do with the German War criminals, German Economy, and land redistribution.
  • Hiroshima

    This was the city where the first atomic bomb was dropped in Japan. 90% of the city was immediately destroyed, along with 80,000 people. 10,000's of people would die later due to radiation poisoning.