Annexation of Sudetenland
Annexation of Sudetenland, assigned on October 1 through 10, 1938 was when The Czech part Czechoslovakia was invaded by Germany. Half of The Czech part of Czechoslovakia was arrogated and the rest was turned into the Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=71RjIejjiEw -
Pearl Harbor
Pearl Harbor was a naval base located in Honolulu, Hawaii. When the U.S thinks of Pearl Harbor we think of "The attack Of Pearl Harbor" which was a surprise Japanese air attack on December 7, 1941.https://www.doi.gov/video/remembering-pearl-harbor -
Battle Of Stalingrad
The Battle Of Stalingrad was a war in which Germany and its allies fought the Soviet Union. They fought it for control of the city Stalingrad.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gHkELWFqGKQ -
The Battle Of Guadalcanal
The Guadacanal campaign also known as The Battle Guadacanal was the first major victory for the Allies. It was fought between the Unites States and Japan.https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=video&cd=2&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0ahUKEwiY_rCVtvPnAhWyVN8KHc91BdEQtwIILjAB&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3D4VzCTvSQ4JY&usg=AOvVaw14_5YG3SUEkqInha0Lz9gd -
D-Day lasted for approximately 2 months between June 1944- August 1944. It resulted in the Allied liberation of Western Europe from Nazi Germany’s control.https://www.history.com/topics/world-war-ii/d-day-allied-invasion-at-normandy-video -
The battle of the Philippines
The Philippines otherwise known as The battle of the Philippines was a naval battle of World War II between the Japanese and the U.S.https://www.wearethemighty.com/history/battle-philippine-sea-video -
Fall Of Berlin
The Berlin Wall divided the city of Berlin in Germany between east and west. Over 5000 people died trying to cross the wall, many thought it was a symbol of the Cold War. This wall was built to keep people in, citizens of Germany tore apart their cities to continue to expand the wall.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VNCiHGcJzFg