Adolf Hitler becomes leader of the Nazi party
benito mussolini appointed prime minister
Josef Stalin sole dictator of USSR
Japan seizes Manchuria, China
Hitler named chancellor of Germany
Neutrality acts passed by US congress
Italian army invades Ethiopia in Africa
Hitler sends troops into Rhineland of Germany
Hitler sends troops into Rhineland of Germany, which was a direct violation of the versailles treaty -
Militarists take control of Japanese Government
Japan's Army pillages Nanjing, China
Massacare pf a quarter million people -
Munich Pact signed, giving sudetenland & Chechoslovokia to Germany
Nazis begin rounding Jews into labor camps
Nazi-Soviet pact signed by the two leaders
Nazis invade Poland; Britain & France declare war on germany
Nazis invade Denmark, Norway, the Netherlands, luxenburg, and Belgium
Battle of Britain-Royal air force prevents german invation
First Peacetime draft in US
Germany invades France
Hitler invades Russia
Atlantic charter issued
Japan invades French Indochina
Pearl Harbor Bombed
philippenes fall to japanese
Japanese Americans Put in eturnment camps
russians stop nazi advance and save moskau
battle of midway
war crime trials