
WWII in Pictures

  • Germany Invades Poland

    Germany Invades Poland
    Germany invades Poland and wins, while Britain and France declare war on Germany 2 days later. This is significant because it is considered the start of WWII.
    Image Credit: "AP photo", valorguardians.com
  • Battle of Britain

    Battle of Britain
    Britain won a battle over Germany, which was significant because it was Hitler's first defeat. It postponed Operation Sea Lion and gave people hope.
    Image Credit: www.historic-uk.com
  • Battle of Stalingrad

    Battle of Stalingrad
    In the Battle of Stalingrad, Soviet troops were able to force Nazi armies to retreat back towards Germany. This battle was significant because it ended any realistic path for Hitler to win, and opened up the eastern front.
    Image Credit: DPA/Global Look Press, www.rbth.com
  • D-Day (Operation Overlord)

    D-Day (Operation Overlord)
    One of the "greatest military achievements ever" (history.com), D-Day was code-named Operation Overlord and involved the biggest ambush force in history on the coast of Normandy. This event was significant because it lost all sides thousands of people but also pretty much ended Hitler's rule.
    Image Credit: nationalinterest.org
  • V-J Day

    V-J Day
    V-J Day is known to mean "Victory [over] Japan Day"/"The End of the Pacific War" (history.com), and marks the day that Japan officially surrendered after being bombed by the U.S. This is important to World War 2 because it is known as the day the war ended.
    Image Credit: (Alfred Eisenstaedt/Time & Life Pictures/Getty Images)