WWII General Info

  • Italy invaded Ethiopia

    Italy invaded Ethiopia
    This was the first act of European Aggression committed under the order of Benito Mussolini. The League of Nations refused to help Ethiopia despite their pleas.
  • Spain is Overthrown by Fascists

    The Fascist General Francisco Franco overthrew Spain and made it a Loyalist government. Hitler and Mussolini aided Franco with artillery and ammo.
  • America's Speculation

    The US was trying to stay neutral to avoid another World War. They passed 3 separate neutrality acts. The first in 1935 prohibited sending arms outside the nation. The second in 1936 prohibited loans to aggressive countries and prohibited travel to countries at war. The third in 1937 limited trade with all countries, and it only allowed other countries to ship and transport goods.
  • Break out in Beijing and the "Rape of Nanking"

    Chinese and Japanese troops broke out in a skirmish--the cause is unknown. Japan then used this to justify launching a full fled invasion on China. To do so, Japan bombed, burned, and "raped" there way through China. This triggered Roosevelt to act and stop Japan, but Americans did not want to take action.
  • Austria is annexed and Hitler sets his eye on Sudetenland (region in Czechoslovakia)

    After Hitler annexed Austria, he started to turn for the Sudetenland in a region of Czechoslovakia.
  • Meeting before Czechoslovakia is taken over

    France, Britain, Italy, and Germany leaders meet to try and secure peace. Britain and France told Hitler he could keep the Sudetenland and Mussolini could keep Ethiopia, as long as there was no future aggression.
  • Hitler takes over the rest of Czechoslovakia

    Hitler marched his troops over all of Czechoslovakia 6 months after the meeting.
  • Roosevelt's requests are denied

    There was another bomb that had gone off and Roosevelt urged Congressional leaders to repeal the neutrality act that said the US could not send over arms embargo. Senators of both parties refused.
  • Nonaggression Act

    Joseph Stalin (the Soviet Union) and Hitler (Germany) put their mutual hatred aside and signed a 10-year nonaggression pact. Hitler was now free to take over Poland that they had lost in the Treaty of Versailles.
  • Start of WWII

    Nazi troops crossed into Poland from the west on September 1, 1939. On September 3, France and Great Britain declared war on Germany. This was the start of WWII.