Axis Powers
Italy, Germany and France make an alliance called the axis powers. They agree not to interfere with each other and stay out of their ways. It also allowed them to fight against a common enemy, Soviet communism -
Neutrality Acts
The neutrality acts were pssed by the united states congress. It forbade the sale of weapons to countries in war and prevented americans from traveling to the countries of war. It is important because it was america's first event to prevent war. To prevent getting involved in the war, because they were in a depression and could not afford it. -
Japanese Advantage
Japan wanted a empire like the western powers. They believed it was their rght have a land empire like them. In 1937 they took over eastern china. It was the start of the Tojo Hideki empire. It meant that Hideki was hungry for power and land, Brought light to the Japanese empire and their intentions -
Austria Annexed
Hitler wanted to join together both of german peoples countries, Austria and Germany. It scared people because it went against the treaty of versaille but no one did anything to stop them. It is important because it signified the start of Hitlers expansion. No one said anythging to stop him so he believed it was okay to take over countries and lands his country needed. -
Nazi-Soviet Pact
Hitler and the soviet union swore secretly that they would not attack each other. It was made out of need because both parties feared each other, so a secret alliance seemed the best for both of them. It is importantant because it kept the soviet union safe for then they could group with The western powers, USA, Great Britian and France. It is also imprtantant because it meaned that the dictators were knew that they could not take over everything. -
The Axis Attacks
Nazi forces first stormed into Poland showing Hitler's power blitzkrieg. Or lightning war. It improved tanks and airpower technology. The German forces bombed factories, citites, and airfields.
Without Germany improving in technology then America wouldnt have been providing war materials to our allies. -
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woman help with war
The woman held the ground back at home. They Help from doing misc. stuff. Like in the United States they drove ambulances, delivered airplanes and decoded messages. In occupied europe women fought the resistance. Soviet woman fought in combat roles. This is important because it was the first time woman had an actual spot in society other than cooking and cleaning. They had a job and oppertunity to advance themselves. -
Lend-Lease Act
Franklin Delano Roosevelt( FDR) persuaded the congres to pass the Lend-Lease Act. It allowed him to sell or lend war materials that defend the United States. The United States would not go to war but would supply the arms to those fighting for thier freedom. -
The Holocaust
German leaders had made plans for the "Final Solution pf the Jewish problem". Hitler made six death camps built in Poland. The Nazis engineers desgined the best way of killing millions of men, women, and childern. -
Germany Invades the Soviet Union
Hitler made the Nazi-Soviet Pact invalid by invading the Soviet Union. Used the plan called Operation Barbarossa. Hitler unleashed a new blitzkrig in the Soviet Union Three million German soldiers invaded. In response the Allies bgan the attack on two fronts. Hitler started the attack against the alies so he looks like the agresser. -
Attack on Pearl Harbor
The Japanese airbombed the American ships in Hawaii. The attack killed 2,400 people and destoryed the battleships and aircraft. President Roosevelt declared war on Japan, then Japan's allies, Germany and Italy declared war on the United States. If Japan never attacked Pearl Harbor then we could of been possible allies and America didnt have to be inolved in the war. -
Big Three
Roosevelt, churchill and stalin met to find a way to end the war. They did not trust each other but knew that they needed each other to bring down Germany and Japan. Stalin wanted a second front on germany, though they agreed it would take a while. This is important because it meant that germany would have to battle against ot one but two new enimes that were powerful and would opppose him greatly. -
Eisenhower took command over the british and american force in africa. From there they went across the Mediterranean and fought against the Italian force. This gave the troops a great general that would be heavily awarded by the end of the war. It also allowed them to get a foothold close to the italian dictator Mussolini. -
The Bataan Death March
The Japanese gained control of the Philipines, kiling many American soldiers and Filipino soliders during the 65-mile death march. According to one survivor, it showed cruelity of the Japanese using torture, murder and corpse of people. -
Battle of Midway 1942
In the battle of midway, the battle was fought entirely from the air. The americans won and destroyed 4 carriers and 250 planes. From that battle on japan could not fight offensively. This is important because it signalled the beginning of the end. That japans dreams of having a giant empire is crushed. They would have to battle defensively from then on. -
The Fight for the Countries
MacAuthur began the fight to retake the Philipines from the Japanese. The British were also pushing the Japanese forces back into Burma and Malaya. Without the Britsh and Macauthur, the Philipines wouldnt be what it is today. -
Yalta Confrence
After destroying the Nazi regime they met again to discuss how to take down the japanese. Russia wanted various islands and part of Korea. They also discussed what to do with germany; rusulted in 4 zones controled by each power. This meant that the powers were becoming increasingly comfortable with each other, and valueing their alliance against the Axis powers. It also meant that none of them were strong enough to do it on their own. -
Nazis Defeated
The allies croosed the Rhine into Western Germany. Soviet troops closed in on Berlin from the east. Later, American and Russian troops met and shook hands at the Ilbe River. Soon, all over Europe, the Axis armies began to surrender. As sovet troops fought their way to Berlin, Hitler commited suicide. This is important because without the allies troops, Hitler wouldnt have comitted suicide and the axis armies wouldnt have surrendered and the war wouldnt be over. -
United Nations
50 countries met in San Fransico to make a draft for the United Nations charter. The United nations would end up having more power than the previous League of nations. All nations had a vote but the big 5 countries had more power than the rest. It was Important because it meant that the world was finally making good big steps towards peace and the a brighter future. -
V-E Day
The next day the war has officially ended and was called V-E Day or victory in Europe. After of 12 years, Hitler's thousand year reich was bombed. Without the war ending, we wouldnt celebrate for our victory and our allies and America would fall to Hitler. -
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At the end of World War 2 nazis were tried in a court system for "acts against humanity". The trials were called the "Nuremburg Trials. It shows that even though you are just following orders from the higher up officials you can still be punished for your wrong doing. -
The Manhattan Project
The Manhattan project is a code-name for the atomic bomb. The idea was to create one of the powerful explosion. Later, scientists sucessfully tested the first atomic bomb at Alamogordo, Mexico. News of the testing reached President Truman. Who taken office after Roosevelt died. And went through with a plan, to drob an atomic bomb on Japan. If president Truman didnt drop the bomb then millions of Americans would die and Japan would of taken over all of Asia. -
Peace Agreements
In 1947 the peace agreements were over with the axis nations. But the different ideologies between the the allies caused mistrust and conflict. It started the cold war, the divide of having germany in two with two different ideologies cause major problems. so the iron curtain was made that really put the nail in the coffin and meant that the former allies were now enemies. -
Truman Doctrine
The Truman doctrine would say that they would resist Soviet Union expansion. To resist the thought of communism spreading towards Europe. This casues a devide between the United States and the Soviet Union which starts toward the cold war and the cuban missle crisis. -
Nato was made between the United states canada and 10 other countries. It was a militaristic pact to say that will rile agaisnt anyone who attacks any of them. Soviet union made the Warsaw Pact that included 7 other countries. By both sides doing this it is just like how World War 1 started, with everyone getting allies but also getting paranoid about each others power. It most likely stopped either side from attacking because it meant that a big war would happen again.