• Internment

    There was racial tension and the US was at war with the Japanese. Some people believed that there may be spies. Frighten led to false rumor leading the executive order 9066 causing many innocent japanese to be forced to be isolated at camps or internment. This caused many to be forced to sell their property making them to lose a ton of money and stuff from the short amount of time. This happened even though there was no evidence of some of them being spies.This event lead to the Korematsu trial
  • Manhattan Project

    Manhattan Project
    In 1941, Roosevelt created the Office of Scientific Research and Development to bring scientists into war effort. It lead to improvement in radar and sonar.Encouraged pesticides, and lead to development of penicillin and the atomic bomb. Albert Einstein warned the President that the project to make a bomb of great destruction may lead to the Germans backfiring at us. So President form the Manhattan Project to form the bomb as fast as possible and keep it a secret.
  • War Productions Board

    War Productions Board
    Besides controlling inflation, the government needed to ensure that the armed forces and war industries recieved the resources they needed to win the war. The War Production Board assumed that responsibility. The WPB decided which companies would convert from peacetime to wartime production and allocated raw materials to key industries They also organized nationwide drives to collect scrap iron, tin cans, paper, rags, and cooking fat into war goods. Kid scoured attics, cellars, etc.
  • Land Lease Act

    Land Lease Act
    By late 1940, Britain had no more cash to spend i the arsenal of democracy. Roosevelt tried to help by suggesting a new plan that called a lend lease policy. Under this plan, the president would lend or lease arms and other supplies to any country whose defense was vital to the United States. Roosevelt compared his plan to lending a garden hose to a neighbor whose house was on fire. He asserted that this was the only sensible thing to do to prevent the fire from spreading to your own property.
  • Office of Price Administration

    Office of Price Administration
    Roosevelt responded to this threat of the demand increasing and supplies dropping by creating the Office Price Administration. The OPA fought inflation by freezing prices on most goods. Congress also raised income tax rates and extended the tax to millions of people who had never paid it before. The higher taxes reduced consumer demand on scarce goods by leaving workers with less to spend and encouraged Americans to use extra cash to buy war bonds. inflation remained below 30 percent.
  • Pearl Harbor attack

    Pearl Harbor attack
    Japanese dive bomber swooped low over Pearl Harbor, the largest US naval base. More then 180 japanese warplanes launched from 6 aircraft carriers. Radio operators flashed message of air raid. For an hour and a half planes were not disturbed. Last round was at 9:30 am. Brought US to the war.
  • -The Battle of Stalingrad

    -The Battle of Stalingrad
    The germans had been fighting in the soviet union since June 1941. From the weather, the Germans were stopped to go further. When spring came in, the German tanks were ready to roll. Hitler wanted to wipe out Stalingrad and take over the oil fields. Next winter comes in and Hitler orders for more tank and to stay and fight leading into their surrender
  • Operation torch

    Operation torch
    Stalin pressured Britain and America to open a second front in Western Europe. He argued that an invasion across the English Channel would force Hitler to divert troops from the Soviet front. They launched Operation Torch, an invasion of Axis controlled North Africa commanded by General Eisenhower. Axis powers wins against Stalin in North Africa.
  • Women's Auxiliary Army Corps

    Women's Auxiliary Army Corps
    The military's work force needs were so great that Army Chief of Staff General George Marshall pushed for the formation of a Women's Auxiliary Army Corps. There are innumerable duties now being performed by soldiers that can be done better by women. Under the bill, women volunteers would serve in noncombat positions. Some scorned the bill as the silliest piece of legislation. It gave an official status and salary. WACs worked as nurses, ambulance drivers, radio operators, electricians and pilots
  • Battle of the Atlantic

    Battle of the Atlantic
    After the attack on Pearl Harbor, Hitler ordered submarine raids against ships among the America East coast. It was to prevent food and war materials from reaching Great Britain and the Soviet Union. Germany sunk a ton of American ships at the start. However, American later organized their cargo ships into convoys and have radar to destroy any German ships .
  • US convoy system

    US convoy system
    After the four months of Germany sinking 87 and in seven months 681 ships, American responded by organizing cargo ships into conveys. Conveys were groups of ships traveling together for mutual protection, as they had done in WW1. The convoys equipped with sonar, airplanes, and radar were able to sink any German ships. German U boat commander reported that his losses began to reach unbearable heights.
  • Korematsu v. United States

    Korematsu v. United States
    Korematsu decided to not go to the camps and stay. This lead to the trial between him and the United States on if it was justified on the basis of military necessity and for national security. After the war, Japanese American Citizens League pushed the government to compensate those sent to the camps. The US paid reparations or restitution and promised 20000 to every japanese sent to the camps.
  • D-Day

    Under Eisenhower;'s direction in England, the Allies gathered a force of nearly 3 million British, Ameican, and Canadian troops, togther with mountaisn of military equipment and supplies. Eisenhower planned to attack Normandy in Northern France. To keep their plans sercet, the Allies set up a huge phantom army with its own headquarters and equipment. Allies invaded on June 6 1944 with parachutes, and ships adn ton of equipments and 1 million men. The Operation lead to heavy casualties
  • The Battle of the Bulge

    The Battle of the Bulge
    In October 1944, American captured their first German town, Aachen. Hitler responded with a desperate last-gasp offensive. Her ordered his troops to break through the Allied liners and to recapture the Belgian port of Antwerp.Germans got tanks and drove 60 miles into Allied territory creating a bulge in the lines that gave this deperate last ditch offensive its name the Battle of the Bulge. America and Britain won the one month battle.
  • Unconditional surrender

    Unconditional surrender
    Even before the battle in North Africa was won, Roosevelt, Churchill, and their commanders met in Casblanca. At the meeting, two leaders agreed to accept only the unconditional surrender of the Axis Powers. The leaders also discussed where to strike next. American launched a massive invasion fleet in Britain and to launch it across the English Channel to the Heart of Germany. Churchill thought to first attack Italy. They attack to free Italy and it took them until 1945
  • Bloody Anzio

    Bloody Anzio
    Hitler determined to stop the Allies in Italy rather than fight on German soil. One of the hardest battles the Allies encounter in Europe was fought less than 40 miles from Rome. This battle Bloody Anzio lasted 4 month until the end of May 1944 and left about 25000 Allied and 30000 Axis casualties. DUring the year afterAnzio, German armies continued to put up strong resistance. the effort to free Italy did not succeed until 1945, when Germany itself was close to collapse.
  • Death of Hitler

    Death of Hitler
    I his underground headquarters in Berlin, Hitler prepared for the end. On April 29, he marriede Eva Braun, his longtime companion. The same day, he wrote out his last address to the German people. He blamed the Jews for the war and his generals for losing. The next day Hitler shot himself while his wife poisoned herself and they were soaked in gasoline and burned.
  • V-E day

    V-E day
    A week later, genral Eisenhower accepted the unconditional surrender of the Third Reich. On may 1945, the Allies celebrated V-Eday victory of Europe Day. The war in Europe was over. President Roosevelt did not live to see V-E day. he had a stroke and died and that night Harry S Truman became president.
  • Harry S Truman

    Harry S Truman
    President Roosevelt did not live to see V-E Day. On april 12, 1945, while posing a portrait in Warm SPrings, Georgia, He had a stroke and died. That night, Vice President Harry S truman became the nation 33rd president.