• Period: to

    Timeline of World War 2 events

  • Hindenburg appoints Hitler as chancellor of Germany

    Hindenburg appoints Hitler as chancellor of Germany
    Hitler is rising into prominence in Germany because of the dismal economic conditions and the distruction because of the loss of the Great War. The terms for Germany in the peace Treaty of Versailles were less than ideal and the Germans wanted a change in government. Hitler was a charismatic speaker and persuaded people that the Nazi party would solve all of their economic crisis'.
  • Germany withdraws from the League of Nations

    Germany withdraws from the League of Nations
    Nine months after Hitler rises to power the Germans decid to withdrawl from the league of nations. Germany's main reason for leaving, was the refusal of military power. After the withdrawl, they built up their military and took over Austria.
  • Hitler becomes the President of Germany

    Hitler becomes the President of Germany
    Upon the death of Hindenburg Hitler storms the Brown Shirts through the streets of Germany and begins to cancel the payments that Germany owes through the Treaty of Versailles. Hitler assumes full power of Germany and quickly appoints the Nazi party as the ony political party.
  • The firs Nuremburg Laws are passed

    The firs Nuremburg Laws are passed
    The Nuremburg laws are passed preventing Jews from marrying non-Jews and taking away German Jews Reich citizenship. These laws took away almost all of their political rihts or freedoms and made them almost a non-factor in politics.
  • Germany signs a military agreement with Japan

    Germany signs a military agreement with Japan
    This agreement took place to ensure that neither Germany or Japan would make any polotical treaties with the Soviet Union. It also stated that if either country found itself in military trouble the other country would "safeguard their common interests". This treaty agreed that both countries were under international communism.
  • Austria is annexed by Germany

    Austria is annexed by Germany
    Adolf Hitler announces an “Anschluss” or "union" between Germany and Austria. By doing this he annexed the smaller nation into a greater, better Germany. Union with Germany had been a dream of Austrian Social Democrats since 1919.
  • Jewish refugee ship is denied access to Cuba and U.S.

    Jewish refugee ship is denied access to Cuba and U.S.
    The Jewish refugee ship the St. Louis, is denied access to Cuba and the U.S and arrives iback in Belgium in 1939. Great Britain, France, Belgium, and the Netherlands agreed to accept the stranded refugees. When Germany invaded Western Europe, most of the passengers from the St. Louis were part of the final solution.
  • Germany invades Poland from the West.

    Germany invades Poland from the West.
    Around 4:45 a.m.,1.5 million Nazi troops invade Poland along its border. While this was taking place, the Luftwaffe was bombing Poland's airfields and the German navy was destroying their U-boats in the Baltic. It was said to be a defensive action, but Hitler just wanted control of Poland.
  • Britain and France declare war on Germany

    Britain and France declare war on Germany
    In response to Hitlers invasion of Poland, both France and Great Britain invade Germany. The first casualties of these invasions were when a German U-30 submarine fired a torpedo at a British oceanliner and sunk it killing 112 out of 1,100 passengers. 28 of the passengers were American but President Rosevelt said America would remain neutral.
  • Germans enter Paris, France.

    Germans enter Paris, France.
    The German troops head towards the capital of France after Holland, Belgium, and Norway surrender to Germany. While the Germans are attacking Paris, Italy has declared war on Briatin and France.
  • United States and Britain Declare war on Japan

    United States and Britain Declare war on Japan
    December 7, 1941, the United States was deliberately attacked by the air and naval forces of Japan. In retaliation, President Franklin Roosevelt requests and recieves a declaration of war against Japan. Britain and America declare war on Japan.
  • D-Day

    Allied forces landed in Normandy, France to begin a massive offensive against the Germans territory in Europe. 156,000 troops from Britain, Canada and America all landed on five beaches along the heavily fortified coast of France. D-Day was very expensive and took a lot of planning and thinking out strategies.
  • Video of World War 2

    Video of World War 2