• Hitler came to power

    Hitler came to power
    After Paul Von Hindenburg died Hitler had taken over as leader, but he didn't want to be called president because he respected the past president he named himself Fuhrer. This is a important event because this is basically were it all starts to go wrong. he had made designs that angered Europe.
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  • Munich Pact

    Munich Pact
    The Munich pact was made between Britain, France and Hitler. They made a deal that they would not oppose Hitler taking Czechoslovakia is Hitler didn't take all of it. Hitler promised he wouldn't but he had lied because he told the rest of Czechoslovakia. This event is important because this is when Britain and France realize that they cant trust Hitler, so they wanted to go to war with him.
  • Pearl Harbor

    Pearl Harbor
    Pearl Harbor was a military base in Hawaii. It held a lot of military equipment so that for Japan was a perfect target for them. so Japan sent bombs to destroy Pearl Harbor. They destroyed 19 ships, 5 battle ships, 188 plains and killed more than 2,480 people. This angered the US so they decided to declare war on Japan the next day. This event is important because this is where the US officerly join WWII.
  • D-day

    Took place in Omaha Beach. About 175,000 allied forces came ashore in Normandy, France. Almost 400 where killed/wounded. the Americans and French troops were able to liberate Paris, then Luxemburg, Berlin and the rest of France were free of Germanys control. This event was important because this battle really push Germany back and showed that Germany was on the path of losing the war.
  • Battle of the Bulge

    Battle of the Bulge
    It was Hitler's final offensive battle. Germany's goal was to split the US and British forces and surround them. The Allied forces had lacked a lot of supply's at the time and it was bad weather. So the Germans took them by surprise, but in the north the Us blocked Germany supply roads and were able to fly planes. This pushed the German forces back. This event is important because it was the last battle Germany fought and they so after surrendered.
  • Dachau Liberated

    Dachau Liberated
    Dachau was the first concentration camps to be made. It was made by Hendrik Himmer. They through Jews, homosexuals and anyone who wasn't "normal" to them, making them do hard labor. They would also trick people in thinking they where going into a shower but actually going into a gas chamber. Not many survived, but When Germany lost, the people who survived were free again. This is important because this showed how horrible Hitler was and how it was necessary to defeat him.
  • Hitler's Suicide

    Hitler's Suicide
    Germany had saw that they were being defeated because of the lose they had in the Battle of the Bulge. The commanders wanted to bring down Hitler from power so they could have peace. While that was happening Hitler and his wife were in a bunker. They both took a pill that would kill them and then they both put a bullet in their head. This event is important because this shows Hitler's defeat in WWII and the Allies where able to get Germany to surrender.
  • Atomic bomb

    Atomic bomb
    Robert Oppenheimer was who had created the Atomic bomb. The bombs were tested in a desert called Alamogordo. There was pros and cons of using the atomic bomb but in the end it was the only option that could win the war. The first atomic bomb was dropped, from a B-29 plane called Enola Gay, in Hiroshima, Japan. It had destroyed miles of land and killed about 80,000 people. This is an important event because it showed what the US had to do to win the war and make Japan surrender.
  • The second Atomic Bomb

    The second Atomic Bomb
    This was also made by Robert Oppenheimer and tested in the same place but this bomb was dropped in Nagasaki, Japan. This bomb also destroyed square miles of land and killed about 40,000 people. this event was important because the US wanted to make sure that japan had no either choice but surrender because they saw what the US could do.
  • Japan Surrenders

    Japan Surrenders
    After the atomic bombs Japan had final surrendered. As part of Japan surrendering they had to sign a treaty to make it official. This day was called V-J Day which meant Victory over Japan. They had surrendered in the Bay of Tokyo. This event is important because this mark that WWII was final over after all the hardships countries had to go though was over.