Wwii 1


  • Germany and Russia Invaded Poland

    Germany and Russia Invaded Poland
    The Germans and Russians invaded Poland with the agreement between Germany and Russia wouldn't attack each other. This was a huge move forward for Germany because one they would have time to remove the threat of fighting on two fronts.Also Germany used a new military tacked call Blitzkrieg, which is where intense fighting for a quick victory.
    Class notes
  • Germany Invades France

    Germany Invades France
    Hitler takes France by going though Belgium during the months of May and June. When France fell Britain was the in the way of Germany taking all of Europe.
    Class notes
  • Battle of Britian

    Battle of Britian
    Hitler plan's to soften Britain by continuously bombing of most of Britain. This was the first time Germany was stopped and did not advance on Britain. This bombing lasted for 11 months.
  • Lend Lease

    Lend Lease
    FDR enacted the Lend Lease act to give supplies to Britain. This act also spread to Russia when they joined the allies.
    Class Notes
  • Germany invades Russia

    Germany invades Russia
    Even though Germany and Soviet Union had a nonaggression act Germany invades Soviet Union but is defeated in Stalingrad. This defeat is the turing point for east Europe.
  • Operation Barbarossa

    Operation Barbarossa
    Operation Barbarossa was a plan the Hitler would take the Soviet union to eliminate the threat of fight a two war front. This ultimately failed causing Hitlers first real loses because of the cold and harsh winter.
  • Pearl Harbor is attacked

    Pearl Harbor is attacked
    Japan planned a full military attack on pearl harbor to weekend the Pacific fleet. Also Japan felt they needed to expanded their empire. This attack was the largest foreign attack on american soil, and in 2 hours 2,403 died and 21 ships sank or were damaged.
    Class Notes
  • U.S declares war on Japan and Germany

    U.S declares war on Japan and Germany
    The day after Pearl Harbor FDR declares war on Japan. Later on He then declares war on Germany which draws America in to the war.
    Class notes
  • Bataan Death March

    Bataan Death March
    The loses of some of the Philippines cause many Japaneses people to march to prison camps on a 65 mile long path in the heat and horrible conditions. Many died from said conditions.
  • Victory in The Battle of Midway

    Victory in The Battle of Midway
    Just 6 months after Pearl Harbor was attacked the U.S won a navel battle because of there major advances to code breaking. This is one of their truing points of the war for the US because it gave a better place to have offense closer to the ermine.
  • Warsaw Ghetto Uprising

    Warsaw Ghetto Uprising
    The uprising was in Poland Warsaw , when Jews in Ghettos would rebel against the officers. This was put down but cause a lot of other revolts in other Ghettos.
  • D-Day

    American and the allies forces invaded Normandy, France to take back land from Germany's grasp. Even though the allies win the battle over 400,000 people died (in all) in this invasion.
  • Battle of the Bulge

    Battle of the Bulge
    Hitler planed to split the Allied forces and to caught the Americans flat footed. This cause many deaths to the Allied side because of the surprise attack. 19,276 Americans were killed in this battle.
  • Battle of Iwo Jima

    Battle of Iwo Jima
    This was a battle to take land from Japan. The US won this battle giving a iconic picture of the soldiers putting up the American Flag.
  • Liberation of Constraintion camps

    Liberation of Constraintion camps
    Coming close to the end of the war constriction camps were becoming liberated. The people were sickly and exudtsed in the camps. Many people didn't make it out of the death camps.
  • Atomic Bombs on Japan

    Atomic Bombs on Japan
    The US dropped two bombs on Japan. The First Bomb was nicknamed "Little Boy" was Dropped on to Hiroshima. The second was dropped on to Nagasaki with the bomb "Fat Boy" three days after.