Invasion of Poland
The invasion of Poland was the first official invasion of World War 2. It was the first country that HItler forcefully entered in Europe, and it got people talking about Hitler. -
Pearl Harbor
The American naval base Pearl Harbor was surprise attacked by the Japanese. This was the event that changed the war, because this was how the United States got involved with the war. 4 days after the attack Hitler ended up declaring war on the United States. -
D Day
The Allied Forces stormed the Beach of Normandy in an attempt to aid France in the fight. This was the day that the United States took their fight to Europe. -
4 million German troops crossed the border into the Soviet Union in an attempt to sieze control of Stalingrad. A month later, however, winter hit and started killing the unprepared German soldiers. The Soviets took this oppurtunity to send the Germans running home. -
President Harry S Truman declared that the bomb was 2,000 times larger than other bombs used before, and then the U.S dropped it on Hiroshima. The final death toll came out to be about 140,000 of the 350,000 people in Hiroshima's population. The Japanese then surrendured to the Allied forces 8 days later.