Hitlers Reichstag Speech
In this speech Hitler talks to all the Nazis and normal people in general about how the Jews are not our friends. That they don't deserve to be treated like normal people and that we need to find someway to get rid of all the Jews in Germany. -
Nazis take Czechoslovakia
On March 15 1939 the Nazi's took over Czechoslovakia.Shortly after he signed the Munich Agreement in September 1938, Adolf Hitler privately complained to members of his SS bodyguard, "That fellow Chamberlain spoiled my entrance into Prague." At first he wanted to smash Czechoslovakia with a Missile Lighting strike than make another entrance into France.But he had been overwhelmed by the eagerness of Britain and France to serve Czechoslovakia to him "on a plate." -
Nazi's sign Pact of Steel with Italy
When the Nazi's signed this pact this pretty much was a friendly alliance between them and Italy so when war time comes they won't be going againts each other and they will help each other out. -
Nazi's and Soviet sign pact
The Nazi's and Soviet signed a pact which pretty much was meaingless and they went ahead and still signed. It was pretty much just so they wouldn't join in the war. -
The Start Of WWII
This was the offical start of WWII. There were only two sides and
the sides was pretty much the world againts Germany,Italy, and Japan. -
Nazi's Invade Poland
This is when WW2 offialy Started and they pretty much Germany was playing unfair, this was just for more "living space" said Adolf Hitler. They took Poland over just so their soilders could have places to rest while their fighting in the war -
Britain, France, Australia and New Zealand declare war on Germany
Since the Poland attack the rest of the world talked about how they weren't gonna stand for this and they were gonna stand for their ground, Germany didn't take this as a threat, I think he probaly got more mad. Germant didn't care that he would ha]ve to try to take down the entire world just to prove a point and that point is that Germany should not be messed around with -
British Royal Air Force attacks the German Navy
The British Bombs on Germany's Navy. Britian caught them by suprise that's why this attack was so successful. -
The Great Depression Ended
The Great Depression has finaly ended but it still had a lot of impact on many people. But if you were wealthy The Great Depression had nothing to do with you becasue it din really impact you, only the people who already had financial problems did it affect. So it still left America a lot of problems -
Assassination attempt on Hitler fails
On the 16th anniversary of Hitler’s Beer Hall Putsch, a bomb explodes just after Hitler has finished giving a speech. He was unharmed, -
Soviet Union expelled from the League of Nations
Because the Soviet Union invasion on Finland they decided to get rid of them. -
Nazis invade Denmark and Norway
On this day in 1940, German warships enter major Norwegian ports, from Narvik to Oslo, deploying thousands of German troops and occupying Norway. At the same time, German forces occupy Copenhagen, among other Danish cities. Germany sliped right past the land mines that were planted because ocal garrisons were ordered to allow the Germans to land unopposed. -
Nazis invade France, Belgium, Luxembourg and the Netherlands; Winston Churchill becomes British Prime Minister
Germany got a huge win by claiming a lot of land in all of these places. But as this all happend Brithish Winston Churchill as their Prime Minister. -
Belgium surrenders to the Nazis
Instead of facing the Nazi's wrath and loosing a ton of their men they just decided to give their selfs up. -
Germany Bombs France
When Germany bombed France they ended up killing 254 people and most of them weren't even soilders it was just mostly normal citizens. -
German U-boats attack merchant ships in the Atlantic
This was called the Battle Of The Atlantic. German German U-boats and warships and then submarines, they attacked ships carrying lots of equipment that was heading to Great-Britian and Soviet Union. This battle had over thousands of ships and the water they were fithing in was thousands of square feet wide. -
Italt Invades Egypt
On this day in 1940, Mussolini’s forces finally cross the Libyan border into Egypt, achieving what the Duce calls the “glory” Italy had sought for three centuries. -
Yugoslavia surrenders to the Nazis
During World War II, representatives of Yugoslavia’s various regions sign an armistice with Nazi Germany at Belgrade, ending 11 days of futile resistance against the invading German Wehrmacht. More than 300,000 Yugoslav officers and soldiers were taken prisoner. Only 200 Germans died in the conquest of Yugoslavia -
four million troops poured over the Russian border. Within one month, over two and half million Russians had been killed, wounded or captured. The Germans made tremendous advances into Russia into portions of Moscow, Leningrad, and Stalingrad. This was twice as hard for germany because they were wearing War clothes, but for the summer and Winter kicked in, so manygerman troops died because of that.1.1M Soviet soldiers lost their lives. Soviets recovered 250,000 German -
Roosevelt freezes Japanese assets in United States and suspends relations
The United States stop helping out Japan in any way they can and claimed to ot help them anymore for breaking the all time trust and alliance they used to since WW1. -
Pearl Harbor
Early in the morning Japan sent a fleet of fighter pilots to go bomb a harbor. Since we were not aware theat Japan was going to do this we had no choice but to just watch what was happenng. We were defenceless and couldn't do nothing about it. It was too fast and too dangerous for us to interfer witht the bombing. The total 2403 people were counted dead -
The United States Join the War
After Japan bombed Pearl Harbor the United States joined the War because they were not gonna let what Japan did just fly by like that they were the reason that the United States joined the war. If Japan never bombed Pearl Harbor than the United States maybe wouldn't of joined the war and certainly drop those two atomic bombs on them. -
United States and Britain declare war on Japan
On this day, as America’s Pacific fleet lay in ruins at Pearl Harbor, President Franklin Roosevelt requests, and receives, a declaration of war against Japan. -
Hitler takes complete control of the German Army
Now Hitler has gained more power and he has full control of the army.Ever since the President of Germany made rose him up to power Hitler was pretty much just using him to get more up and up into the power where the president was really able to do nothing since Hitler enabled that act where he pretty much doesn't need the President's approvel of anything anymore. So Hitler decided to not share the German Army and keep all those men to himself -
The Battle of Midway
The Battle of Midway was a crucial and decisive naval battle in the Pacific Theater of World War II. This battle fighting was doe mostly by airplanes even though the battle ships were still trying to sink down the enemy airplanes and even other ships.At the Battle of Midway, Japan lost four carriers, a cruiser, and 292 aircraft, and suffered 2,500 casualties. The U.S. lost the Yorktown, the destroyer USS Hammann, 145 aircraft, and suffered 307 casualties. -
Operation Husky
The Allies decided to go invade Italy to stop all the Fascist regime from the war, secure the central Mediterranean and divert German divisions from the northwest coast of France where the Allies planned to attack in the near future -
Bombing of Hamburg
Nearly 800 RAF Halifaxes and Lancasters launched a 50-minute bombing raid on the Third Reich's second largest city, Hamburg -
Italy surrender's
On this day in 1943, Gen. Dwight Eisenhower publicly announces the surrender of Italy to the Allies. Germany reacted with Operation Axis, the Allies with Operation Avalanche. -
Battle of the Bulge
The Battle of The Bulge, was the largest battle fought on the Western Front in Europe during World War II; it is also the largest battle ever fought by the United States Army. The United States won that battle.
About 19,000 American soilders were kid which we think is a little amount compared to the total amount of people who died in that war. -
Hitler Dies
Holed up in a bunker under his headquarters in Berlin, Adolf Hitler commits suicide by swallowing a cyanide capsule and shooting himself in the head. Soon after, Germany unconditionally surrendered to the Allied forces -
Germany Surrenders
After fighting in the war and being the cause of losts of deaths Germany decides that they can't lose more men and they surrender to the Allies. -
The Holocasut
The Holocaust is now over after resulting in 6 million normal people dying just because they were Jews. -
Hiroshima and Nagasaki
The Japanese fought on even after the war in Europe ended. Truman decided to use the newly developed atomic bomb to end the war quickly and prevent more U.S. casualties. The Enola Gay dropped an atomic bomb on Hiroshima, Japan on August 6, 1945, killing about 78,000 people and injuring 100,000 more. On August 9, a second bomb was dropped on Nagasaki, Japan, killing another 40,000 people. -
Japans Surrenders
Japan surrenders after the Unted States drop two atomic bombs on them which killed about 140,000 people were killed.