• Paris peace cofrence

    the paris peace confrince was a internatonal confrence with th big four.the meeting was to determen peace after WWI.it thecreation of the treaty of versile.
  • mussolini takes over italy's goverment

    it took longer than hitlers rise to power.mussolini took years to get to dictatorship.he started his time in power by buying support working class.
  • Nine power treaty

    it was a treaty to have respect on china.there were nine singers witch the name implies.it was singed in washington D.C.
  • beer hall putsch

    it was hitlers attempt to over throught the weimer goverment.it was also to establish right wing natioalitic one in its place.many natioalitic ones spread to east germany.
  • germany anixis austria

    this was one of the major things that happend in germany.this is when germany made a big dission.germany had to make a bill to pass this anix.
  • Kellogg-briand pact

    it was an aggrement to outlaw war.it was sometimes called the paris pact.the pact was one of many pacts to out law war.
  • U.S. stock market crash

    this was the was the darkest day in america.this was known as black friday.the day the market crashed the whole world was affected.
  • japan invades manchuria

    the reason why japan invaded was because japan was geting crowded.japan took alot of investments for this attack.tokyo aggred to this invasion.
  • nazi's reach a politacal majoriaty in germany

    the nazi party was growing in size.the party was glad that hitler was there leader.
  • hitler becomes germanysw chansoler

    the year 1932 has seen medioric rise.this was a majoir turning point for gemeny.from this moment on nazi germeny was off.
  • japan withdraws from the league of nations

    japan left because they were being blamed.this repressed every nation in the world.this was shoking to the world.
  • first anti-sematic law in germany

    german leaders to make good on there pledge.there pledge was the persecate the jewish people.this law afected most of the jewish people's life.
  • hitler purges nazi opposition

    this also was called the night of the long knifes.this was to remove anyone who did not like the nazi's in germany.this was ridding on the nazi party.
  • hitler openly annouces his defiance of the treaty of versailles

    hitler broke this treaty by making an army.he also militerized the rhineland.he als made submerine warfare possible.
  • italy invades ethiopia

    the leader had his eye set on anexing ethiopia.this was the first wasr that musterd gas and phosgene was used.there was a cople of factores of etheopia that made mussoline go after it.
  • hitler invades the rhineland

    this was one of the listing's of the treaty of versille.this was a harsh day because the league of nations did not know what to do.the league of nations was in shambels when japan left.
  • rome-berlin axis.

    this alliance has been forming for sometime now.this was one of mentions told to the world.this allince was the first allince between germany and rome.
  • japan invades china

    it started as a small accident.japan seized most of eastern china.most of japans army was commeted to the war.
  • hitler demandes the sudetenland form czechoslovakia

    this was known as the munich confrence.this confrence was to aggre to giveing the sudentendland to hitler.this passed but hitler wanted more
  • munich confrence

    this was also known as the munich aggrement.this was an aggrement to give the sudentendland to hitler.this was one of the most hardest time for the czech's.
  • franco becomes dictator of spain

    this was when spain was electing a dictator.franco was the head of the reable nationalists.he was oregenaly a general.he qullied a revolt agenst nationalists.
  • molotov-ribbentrop pact

    this was made by the greman reaich govermant.this was to stop strenthing from the ussr.it had 7 articals.
  • soviet-nazi non-aggresion pact

    this was an aggrement that said that the two countries would no fight.germany singed becuase it would protect them from a two-front war.the soviet union got land from this pact.
  • nazi invasion of poland

    this was the biggerst time for the nazi party.this was when the nazis started the genoside of the jewish people.this was the scariest time for the jewish people.
  • battle of britain

    this was an all air war.it ended when germans luftwaffe was shot down.britains victory save britain from a ground invasion.
  • lend leace act

    this act provided U.S. millitary aid in forighn countries.this athurized the president to send arms or any othe defence.this act supported the U.S. to support its war intests.
  • operation barbarosia

    this was becuase hitler had his eyes on soviet resourses.the soviets were unperpared for this attack.this attack faild.
  • pearl harbor

    this was the most harsh attack on america.this is what made us go into WWII.this had the most affect on the united states.
  • wannsee conference

    this was the confrence to deel with the nazi party.this was to stop the genoside of the jewish people.it falid becuase hitler went on with the genoside.
  • doolittle raid

    this was a bombing run on japan by the U.S..the raid had differnt benifets.soom of these pilotes were volinters.
  • battle of midway

    it was fought over a tiny U.S. base.the air battle was U.S. agenst japan.this was the 2nd biggest air battle in WWII.
  • battle of stalingrad

    this was considerd to be the turning point in WWII.this battle bled the german army dry.it was fought during the winter.
  • D-Day

    this was the beging of WWII for america.this had so many deaths that they had to make a big feild a semitery.this was one of the biggest battles in WWII.
  • operation valkyrie

    this was a plot to kill hitler.it faild becuase hitler killed himself.there was a movie and a book about operation valkyrie.
  • battle of bolgie

    this was a plane by hitler to split the allise army up.he whould do this by means of surprise.the allied of the battle took the look of a bulge.
  • adolf hitler comites suicide

    adolf hitler comites suicide
    this was the end of the war for germany.he didnt want to lose the war an be embarised.
  • ve day

    this was the day that WWII ended.this brought crouds to party and dance.the most crouded place was new york.
  • little boy dropped

    this was another worlds largest bomb.this was dropped in japan as well.this also caused death and destruction.
  • fat man drooped

    this was one of the biggest bombs in the world.this was dropped on herroshima.this caused so much death and destruction.
  • uj day

    this was also the selebration of WWII.this however was a day celbrated by the winners.this was a happy day for the victorians.
  • nuremburg trials

    there wer many trials for nuremburg.they had at least over 20 people in the jurry.this was also an importent part of WWII.
  • japan war trials

    one of the triles were on the invasion of china.tihs happened in japan.alot of people were accused for stuff they dident do.