Totalitarianism was a theory of government in which a single party or leader controls the economic, social, and cultural lives of its people. It was more extreme than a dictatorship and became more powerful and popular leading up to World War 2. -
Joseph Stalin
Joseph Stalin was head the Communist party. He was a dictator and he wasent afraid to kill anyone. Wanted the Soviet Union to Industrial power. -
Adolf Hitler
Hitler was a dictator in Germany and anti semitic towards Jews. He created concentration camps, Nazi's and used his powerful speaking to persuade people to belive in him. -
The holocaust was the most horrific chapter of the Nazi era that was controlled by Hitler. The Holocaust was the attempt of killing all Jews which led to many awful events in our history. For example, one out of many would be concentration camps for the Jews. -
Nuremberg Laws
Named after the city that served as the spiritual center of Nazism. Denied German citizenship to Jews, banned marriage between Jews and Non- Jews, segregated Jewd at every level of Society by Hitler. -
Munich Pact
It was the agreement reached at the conference and preserved peace for our time. Also postponed the war for 11 months. -
Neutrality Act of 1939
Included a cash-and-carry provision. Allowed belligerent nations to buy goods and arms in the US if they paid cash and carried on thier own ships. Roosevelt felt confined by the limitations on the Neutrality Acts. -
Winston Churchill
Churchill was the prime minister in Britian. He cautioned parliment that wars are not won be evacuations. Winston was also a part of the big 3 with FDR and Stalin. -
Axis Powers
The Axis powers was one of the two major alliances during World War 2. It included Germany, Italy, Japan, and other nations as well. Even before these nations made a pact as the Axis powers, two of them already had conflicts with each other that would become involved in World War 2. -
Lend-Lease Act
Authorized Roosevelt to "sell, transfer title to exchange, lease, lend, or otherwise dispose of any government any defense article. By 1945 the US had sent more than $40 billion of Lend-Lease aid to the Allies. -
Pearl Harbor
The Japanese attacked the United States which ended up killing nearly 2,500 people. The bombing attack, knocked the U.S. battlefleet out of commision for about 6 months which is what the Japenese were hoping for so they could access all of the material that Americans had for their new conquered territtories. -
Dwight Eisenhower
Eisenhower was a general commander and commanded the Allies in North Africa. His skillful handling of D-Day gave him much respect. -
Harry S. Truman
Truman dropped 2 atomic bombs over Japan. First one was in Hiroshima and the second was in Nagasaki on Aug 9th. He made this decison by thinking of American lives to make sure sonthing would happen. -
United Nations (UN)
Organization that, many hoped, would succeed where the League of Nations failed. UN was organized by the basis of cooperation between the Great Powers. US, Soviet Union, Britian, France and China were a powerful arm of the UN. Aides to the move away from colonialism and helped create Jewish state of Israel.