• First Neutrality Act is passed

    This first act, passed by congress, banned the selling of arms and ammunition to belligerents.
  • Signing of the Rome - Berlin Axis

    This was an military and political alliacne between Germany and Italy. It was the start of the Axis powers for WWII and opened a gateway for fascist states during WWII.
  • Signing of the Anti-Comintern Pact

    The Anti-Comintern Pact was an agreement between Italy, Germany, and Japan that targeted the Communist International. If the Soviet Union were to attack either countries, the three countries would agree on safety strategies together.They also agreed to not make political treaties with the Soviet Union.
  • The Munich Conference is called

    During this conference, Hitler, Mussolini, Chamberlain, and Daladier signed the Muinch Pact that peacefully gave Germany Czechoslovakia.
  • Hitler declares Austria as part of the Third Reich

    HItler marched German troops in to Austria, and appointed a new Nazi government. Anschluss was created, and Austria became a German federal state (during WWII).
  • German troops invade Czechoslovakia

    Nazi troops stormed and invaded Czechoslovakia. Hitler got control of Bohemia and and created a protectorate in Slovakia. This back fired on Hitler because it exposed that he broke the Munich pact.
  • Mussolini invades Albania

    Mussolini's troops invaded and occupied Albania. Albania had ot withdraw from the League of Nations, and became a part of the Italian Empire. Both the Albanian foreign ministry and the military merged with the Italian's.
  • German- Soviet Non-Aggression Pact signed

    Germany and the Soviet Union agreed to go on a break from military action with each other. This kept the peace between the two countires, while they continued to build up their armies. There was also a secrete agreement to split up Eastern Europe.
  • Germnay attacks Poland

    Germany signed the German-Soviet Pact to trick the Soviet Union into not attacking Poland. Which Germany than broke and invaded Poland without the Soviets coming in. Hitler wanted to gain his lost territory and have complete control over Poland. Hitler used the blitzkrieg strategy where he bombed all of Polands necesities like railroads, ammunition, and communication lines. Germany then invaded Poland by land with tanks and artillery.
  • The Soviet Union attacks Finland

    The Soviets declared war against Finland, and felt confident to get a victory over Finland because they had a bigger and better military. The Finns but up a tough fight against the Soviets during the winter, and were abel to defend themselves for quite some time. Until The Soviets bombed the Finns defensive barrier and came back with more power. In the end, the Soviets and the Finns made peace.
  • Germans invade Denmark and Norway

    Hitler first invaded Denmark because it would stage for him invading Norway. Denmark would also become a border nation to Germany. Demark was did have military importance for Hitler, but economic importance. Germnay then invaded Norway for military importance for naval units and U-boats.
  • Winston Churchhill is named as Prime Minister of Great Britain

    Neville Chamberlian lost the support from the House of Commons after failing to prevent Germany from invading Norway. Winston Churchill was choosen to become British Prime minister and replace Chamberlian.
  • Germans invade the Netherlands, Belgium, and Luxembourg

    Hitler broke his promise to respect the neutrality with Belgium and the Netherlands. He lied and stated that he attacked first because they were plotting against Germany, and he was trying to protect Germany and the neutrality. Even though Hitler's amry wasnt the largest, he gained his victories through planning, coordination, and new technolgies; like parachutists which he used to glide over rivers and enemy lines.
  • Dunkerque is evacuated

    Belgian, British, and French troops were trapped by German troops, so the declared the the Dunkerque evacuation which was the evacuation of Allies from the Dunkirk harbour and beach.
  • Mussolini ideclares war on France and Great Britain

    Mussolini needed the raw materials from Britain and France, He also saw an opportunity to conquer come of Britain's territory in Africa, because he couldn't stand that Britain had most of Africa to themselves.
  • Battle of Britain

    This is an air and bombing battle between Britain and Germany. It was also the turning point in WWII because Britain's victory prevented Germany from invading the country on land and conquering Britain.
  • Japan forms an alliance with Germany and Italy

    Japan, Germany, and Italy made up the Axis alliance during WWII. Japan had control over East Asia and the Pacific, Germany had control voer most of Europe, and Italy had control over the Mediterranean Sea. All three countries signed the Tripartite Pact, which finalized their alliance.
  • Erwin Rommel takes control of Libya

    Hitler created the Afrika Korps to help Mussolini gain land in Africa. Erwin Rommel bring the Afrika Korps to Libya to reinforce Italy's control. Later Rommel retreated back to Europe after many attacks from Britain.
  • Germany attacks the Soviet Union

    Germany made an agreement with the Soviets to not attack one another and to divvy up Poland. However, Hitler broke that pact because he was eager for more territory to rebuild Germany and invaded the Soviets. This was known as "Operation Barbarossa," which was Germany's largest invasions. However, it failed and was a Nazi defeat.
  • Roosevelt and Churchill sign the Atlantic Charter

    The Atlantic Charters laid out the goals and plans for for after WWII. Churchill and Roosevelt drafted it, and it was later confirmed by WWII allies.
  • Pearl Harbor is attacked

    US Naval base attacked by the Japanese on December 7, 1941. Japan fighter plans attacked Pear Harbour at Honolulu, Hawaii.Twenty American naval vessels, eight battleships, and over 300 airplanes were destroyed. Over 2,000 Americans died and about 1,000 were wounded.
  • U.S. Congress declares war on Japan

    The US declared war on Japan the day after the bombing of Pearl Harbor. President Roosevelt requested a declation of war on Japan from the House of Representatives, and was granted his request with only one opposing vote.
  • Wannsee Conference

    The Wannsee Conference was when Nazi officials got together to talk about the "Final Solution to the Jewish problem." They devised plans to evacuate the Jews to the work camps, and kill them by gas chambers, or working them to death.
  • Bataan Death March

    Filipino and American troops had to march long miles to prison camps, through heat, and abusive treatment by the Japanese guards. Many died during the march.
  • Battle of Midway

    U.S. naval victory over the Japanese fleet in June 1942, in which the Japanese lost four of their best aircraft carriers. It marked a turning point in the pacific theater of World War II.
  • Battle Stalingrad

    Unsuccessful German attack on the city of Stalingrad during World War II from 1942 to 1943, that was the furthest extent of German advance into the Soviet Union.
  • D-Day

    Led by Eisenhower, over a million troops (the largest invasion force in history) stormed the beaches at Normandy and began the process of re-taking France. The turning point of World War II
  • MacArthur lands in the Philippines

    MacArthur was sent to the Philippines to help liberate American and Filipino prisoners from under the Japanese forces.
  • V-E Day

    victory in Europe Day was also when the Germans surrendered, Victory in Europe Day on May 8th, 1945 celebrated the official defeat of the Nazis and end of WWII in Europe.
  • Potsdam Conference

    The Postdam Conference was the last meeting of WWII that was held by Truman, Churchill, and Stalin. The three established a Council fo Foreign Minister and a Allied Control Council to watch over Germany.
  • V-J Day

    Name chosen for the day on which the Surrender of Japan occurred, effectively ending World War II.