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Lauren Goddard- WWII timeline

  • Adolf Hitler becomes Germany's Chancellor

    Adolf Hitler becomes Germany's Chancellor
  • Mussolini Invades Ethiopia

    Mussolini Invades Ethiopia
  • Roosevelt Limits Ships to Asia

  • Hitler forces Czechoslovakia to surrender the Sudetenland to Germany

  • Kristallnacht (night of broken glass)-German government organized massive riots and destruction of Jewish homes, businesses, and synagogues

  • Nazi Germany invaded Poland,

    Nazi Germany invaded Poland,
  • France and Britain declare war on Germany

    France and Britain declare war on Germany
  • Pearl Harbor

    Pearl Harbor
  • Germany and Italy declare war the U.S. in support of Japan

    Germany and Italy declare war the U.S. in support of Japan
  • Battle of Signapore

  • Allies began large scale attacks on Germany

  • D-Day

  • Battle of the Bulge-Hitler's last attempt to stop the Allies

  • Truman Becomes president

    Truman Becomes president
  • Hitler commits suicide by gunshot

    Hitler commits suicide by gunshot
  • Victory In Europe Day

    Victory In Europe Day
  • atomic bombing of Hiroshima

    atomic bombing of Hiroshima
  • tomic bombing of Nagasaki?

  • Japan Surrenders ending WWII

    Japan Surrenders ending WWII