• The Gread depression Starts

    The great depression is very important when it comes to WWII history because some people could argue that if there was no great depression and Germany was thriving their would be no Hitler in power
  • Hitler rises to power and WWII starts

    Hitler rose to power after promising the people of Germany a better future form the financial trouble they were in. After giving the Germans false hope Hitler convinced the Germans about a perfect race and convinced them that jew's were the root of all problems.
  • Kristallnacht

    Also known of the night f of broken glass Kristallnacht was when Germans went around and destroyed Jewish peoples shops and houses and forced them to go to concentration camps
  • Hitler invades Poland

    After being warned by the League of Nations to not invade more countries after invading a coupel of smaller ones. Hitler invades Poland and that officially starts WWII
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    The Manhattan project

    The Manhattan project was the US figuring out how to make atomic bombs to use in warfare. This would result in the making of the bombs dropped in Hiroshima and Nagasaki killing about 160,000 people
  • Women of WWII

    The women of WWII really had a big impact back at home while the soldiers were overseas in war. They would often be factories workers and would scout for airplanes. However the US saw it as men could still do a better job at all of these jobs so when WWII ended the female workers were laid off when the men came back home.
  • Auschwitz

    Auschwitz was the biggest concentration camp during WWII. The purpose of Auschwitz was to keep Jewish people hostage and had them both work to death along with, not feeding them, and killing mass amounts of Jewish people in crematoriums. Although Jewish people weren't the only people at Auschwitz. there were also war criminal, Gays and people with birth defects.
  • Pearl Habor

    Pearl Habor
    This is where the US history starts on WWII. After the Japanese invaded multiple different countries the league of Nations restricted their trade and after that Germany left. America who was still in the league of nations was hesitant to trade with Japan and overall didn't. Japan who was clearly mad set hundreds of airplanes to a Navel fancily in Hawaii and Bombed it killing over 2000 people and destroying almost all of the US's Navel ship that were stationed there
  • Japanese Internment camps

    Japanese Internment camps
    In result of Pearl Harbor, President FDR ordered all Japanese residence of America citizens or not were to be put into camps. They would have to bear extreme conditions weather that be heat, cold, or even wildlife. They were jammed into buses only allowed to bring one suitcase each and they were jammed into cafeterias that were made for 1,000 but their would be up to 4,000 people in the rooms at once
  • The battle of Stalingrad

    Hitler invaded Stalingrad with the NAZI air force he later sent in ground troops and after a couple days of planning the USSR fought back which lead the Germans to retreat because they had no more supplies
  • The Battle of Midway

    The battle of midway was supposed to be when Japan attacked America at Midway. However the US intercepted the plans of the Japanese and planned their own surprise attack. The US used dive bombers and attacked a Japanese aircraft carrier with their own and sunk the Japanese's carrier
  • D-Day

    D-Day is when America, UK, and Canada fought back Nazi troops from the Beaches in Normandy which the Nazi's took from France. The troops started by sea and punched their way through deep water, German fire, and traps to finally take the beach