
WWII (Best)

  • Start Of WWII

    Start Of WWII
    1 September 1939- Adolf Hitler was the self-appointed Fuehrer of Germany. He was born April 20, 1889, in Austria-Hungary. He fought in WWI and rose to leader of Germany. He invaded Poland on the first of September in 1939.
  • Britain and France Declare War on Germany

    Britain and France Declare War on Germany
    Britain and France declared war on September 3, 1939, 2 days after Germany invaded Poland. They declared war because of German U-Boats sinking the British boat “Athenia”. There were more than 1,100 people on board. 112 people died, 28 of those being American.
  • Japan Bombs Pearl Harbor

    Japan Bombs Pearl Harbor
    Pearl Harbor is a naval base used by the US Navy. On the seventh of December, in 1941, the Imperial Japanese Navy attacked the United States Naval Base at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii Territory. The bombing killed more than 2,300 Americans.
  • USA Declares War on Japan

    USA Declares War on Japan
    The United States congress allowed U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt to declare war on Japan. This was due to them bombing Pearl Harbor a day before. It was formulated an hour after the Infamy Speech of President Roosevelt.
  • USSR Defeats Germany at the Battle of Stalingrad

    USSR Defeats Germany at the Battle of Stalingrad
    The Battle of Stalingrad was the successful Soviet defense of the city of Stalingrad (now Volgograd) in the U.S.S.R. from July 17, 1942, to Feb. 2, 1943.
  • D-Day

    D-Day was the landing of Normandy Beaches on June the sixth, 1943. The Normandy landings were the landing operations of the Allied invasion of Normandy in Operation Overlord during World War II. It was the largest amphibious invasion in history.
  • Adolf Hitler Commits Suicide

    Adolf Hitler Commits Suicide
    Adolf Hitler was the dictator of Germany. He died burrowed away in a refurbished air-raid shelter. He killed himself by consuming a cyanide capsule, then shooting himself with a pistol, on April 30 in 1945, as his “1,000-year” Reich collapses above him.
  • Germany Surrenders

    Germany Surrenders
    On May 7, 1945, Germany officially surrendered to the Allies, bringing an end to the European conflict in World War II. General Alfred Jodl, representing the German High Command, signed the unconditional surrender of both east and west forces in Reims, France, which would take effect the following day.
  • A-Bomb Dropped on Hiroshima

    A-Bomb Dropped on Hiroshima
    On August 6, 1945, the American bomber Enola Gay dropped a five-ton bomb over the Japanese city of Hiroshima. A blast equivalent to the power of 15,000 tons of TNT reduced four square miles of the city to ruins and immediately killed 80,000 people.
  • A-Bomb Dropped on Nagasaki

    A-Bomb Dropped on Nagasaki
    On August 9 in 1945, a second atom bomb is dropped on Japan by the United States, at Nagasaki, resulting finally in Japan's unconditional surrender.