• Geneva convention

    The Geneva convention made rules that where to be followed during war. when countries broke these rules it caused the population to become more hostile toward that nation.
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    Neutrality act

    A act was to try and keep the us neutral.
  • Nuremberg laws

    The Nuremberg laws made anyone that was a jew fear Hitler as he rose to power. This also showed Hitlers raciest ideology.
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    Japan invades China

    Japan tried to invade Chine but in the end failed.
  • Kristallnacht

    Kristallnacht was the night of broken glass this showed just how hostile Hitler and his followers could be.
  • Nonaggression pact

    Germany and Russia said they would not fight each other for 10 years. This made it easy for Hitler to invade poland
  • War is declared on Germany by Poland, Britain, and France

    Hitler crossed a line when he invaded Poland this caused war to be declared on Germany officially starting the war.
  • Poland ceases to exist

    Poland now was in the hands of Germany and The Soviet Union
  • Cash and Carry

    A Policy that was made so that the United States could trade with with Allied nations while still remaining neutral this made it so that the Allied nations were better equip for the war.
  • Blitzkrieg

    A attack strategy that was used to take out the enemy very fast resulting in less deaths for the Germans.
  • Hitler invades Denmark, Norway, Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg

    Causing more fighting and aggression towards Germany/ Hitler
  • Period: to

    Soviet union annex Baltic States

    The Soviet union was in Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania
  • Luftwaffe and RAF bombings

    An air battle fought over England the RAF vs the Luftwaffe.
  • Selective Training Service Act

    The US made it a requirement that all men from the ages of 21 and 45 to register for a draft. This was a sign that the US might be getting involved in the war
  • Tripartite pact

    Made to try and keep the United States out of the war was made between Germany, Italy, and Japan.
  • Lend Lease Plan

    Made to help Britain in the war and eventually was extended to other allies. Showed the side that the US would fight for considering they joined the war
  • Hitler Turns on Russia

    Hitler turns on Russia by invading them breaking their agreement not to attack each other.
  • Executive order #8802

    Made discrimination illegal.
  • US cut off trade with Japan

    Shows that the United States would be opposing Japan.
  • Atlantic Charter

    The plans for after the war made my Roosevelt and Winston Churchill
  • Attack on Pearl Harbor

    Japans attempt on keeping the United States out of the war by taking out as much of their navy as they could
  • US declares war

    After pearl harbor it was no longer possible to stay out of the war.
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    Battle of Stalingrad

    Was the fight for the town of Stalingrad in Russia.
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    Battle of Bataan

    battle in the Philippines vs Japan
  • Uboat attacks

    German U boats started attacking American ships causing more aggression
  • Executive order #9066

    Roosevelt made it so that any american citizen with Japanese decent would be put in a camps
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    Battle of midway

    Was a major turning point in the war for the US because of the intel obtained from the POWs
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    Battle of el alamein

    Battle in south Africa Hitler abandoned Italian troops this caused aggression towards the nation.
  • Hitler invades and splits France

    This makes it harder for France to fight
  • Island hopping strategy

    Used Islands as FOBs so the US could get closer to enemy homelands and cut of supply routs
  • D-Day

    Was the largest seaborne invasion in history with over 56,000 Allied troops and lead to the eventual victory on the western front. was the beginning of the end for the war.
  • Battle of the Bulge

    The last German offensive on the western front that resulted in a allied victory
  • Korematsu vs US

    A court trial between Korematsu over the unlawful detainment of american citizens with Japanese decent this lead to more problems between the US government and Americans with Japanese decent
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    Yalta conference

    the USSR and China sighed a alliance
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    Battle of Iwo Jima

    One of the most intense battles in US history leading to a US victory and capture of the island.
  • Liberation of concentration camps

    Germany tried to cover up the atrocities they had commented and failed causing tension between Germany and every other country.
  • VE day

    The victory of the allies over Germany in Europe
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    Potsdam conference

    decided the fates and consequences of the countries involved
  • Atomic bomb dropped Hiroshima

    America dropped Little boy on Hiroshima in an attempt to make Japan surrender. They refused
  • Atomic bomb dropped Nagasaki

    Fat boy was dropped three days later after japan refused to surrender and after the bomb was dropped japan surrendered.
  • VJ day

    Japans surrenders and ends the war