D day for profil picture

WWII Battles

  • Invasion of Poland

    Invasion of Poland
    *Germany uses Blitzkreig to overpower Polish army.
    *Britain and France Declare war on Germany.
    *Make it to Warsaw( capital of Poland).
    *Germany begins enforcing racial policies.
    *Jews had to wear white armbands with blue Stars of David.
    *Expelled 1000s of Poles and replace them with Germans.
    • This begins WWII.
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    The Battle of Britain (The Blitz)

    Battle between Germany and Britain.
    *300 German bombers raided London.
    *There were 57 consecutive nights where London was bombed.
    *The battle is named this because blitz means blitzkrieg (“lightning war”).
    *Started over Hitler wanting a neutralized Britain so he could invade Russia.
    *With Britain dealing with destruction, this was the best opportunity for Hitler to plan the invasion of Russia.
    *The battle ended with 43,000 casualties in total.
    • Leads to Invasion of Russia
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    Battle of Moscow

    •Battle was fought between Germany and Soviet Union.
    •Germany had outnumbered the Soviets
    •Hitler wanted to attack Moscow from the North and South
    Soviets had new and powerful tanks that stopped all German forces from advancing
    •Soviet Union had dug trenches to keep soldiers safe
    •Germans were stunned when they saw trenches but kept moving from the north and south
    • Soviets had an amazing counterattack and surprised German forces
    •The battle ended due to shortage of supplies
  • Attack on Pearl Harbor

    Attack on Pearl Harbor
    *Japan wanted to take out the pacific fleet.
    * Japan decided to do a surprise sneak attack on the United States Navy ships early in the day.
    *Bombed American Navy ships and more than 300 planes.
    *In total, the bombing lasted 2 hours and ended with significant damage.
    *2,400 Americans died and 1,000 were injured.
    *Even with the sneak attack, Japan still failed to take out all the Pacific fleet.
    * Days after the attack, 143,000 men enter the Army. *leads to Roosevelt declaring war on Japan
  • Operation Overlord/ D-Day

    Operation Overlord/ D-Day
    • Roughly 156,000 American, British, and Canadian forces invade the beaches of Normandy
    • This was the largest Military attack in history.
    • By late August 1944, all of northern France had been liberated, and by the following spring the Allies had defeated the Germans.
    • D-Day has been called the beginning of the end of war in Europe.
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    Battle of Berlin

    *Battle of Berlin was fought between Soviet Union and Nazi Germany.
    * Was fought in Berlin Germany. (Capital)
    * Soviet Union enters Berlin quickly from the north and south sides of the capital.
    *Germans were so weak, so they resorted to using members of the Nazi Youth.
    *When Soviet Union entered Berlin, they continued to fight in the streets.
    *Soviet Union won fast.

    *Last major battle of WWII.
    • Ended WWII in Europe.
    Ended Nazi Germany. Hitler commits suicide due to fierce fighting.
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    Hiroshima/ Nagasaki

    *America dropped world’s first deployed atomic bomb over the Japanese city of Hiroshima on August 6.
    *The bomb immediately killed an estimated 80,000 people
    * Thousands more would later die of radiation exposure.
    *Three days later, a second American Bomber dropped another Atomic bomb on Nagasaki, killing an estimated 40,000 people.
    *Japan was faced a terrible cruel bomb and was forced to surrender the war.