Major European Theater Battles

By Bucky29
  • Dunkirk

    1. 6 countries vs. Germany
    2. 330,000 allied soldiers were rescued
    3. There was 1,000 civilian casualties during the evacuation
    4. It was 400,000 to 800,000 in favor to Germany
    5. The German invasion was thought to be impossible
  • Crete

    1. Axis victory
    2. Germany had 1,000 less troops than the allies
    3. The allies took 23,000 casualties
    4. The Axis only had about 6,000 casualties
    5. The battle lasted 13 days
  • Hong Kong

    Hong Kong
    1. Took place in Hong Kong
    2. Japan invaded it
    3. It was a relatively small invasion by Japan
    4. Less than 3,000 people were killed in the invasion, the bulk being from the allies
    5. 2 allied commanders were POW's
  • Stalingrad

    1. The battle ended in a decisive soviet victory
    2. Germany took a fat L
    3. The soviets took on 5 countries and beat them all
    4. Soviets took land from Germany, reversing their 1942 campaign
    5. Over a million men on both sides
  • Monte Cassino

    Monte Cassino
    1. Monte Cassino was fought in Italy
    2. The allies won, yeah boyyy
    3. The allies had 240,000 men
    4. About 75,000 casualties total
    5. The town was in ruins after the battle took place
  • D-Day

    1. 4,000 people died
    2. The Germans were confused and not sure what was happening during the invasion
    3. 156,000 allied troops stormed the beach
    4. 326,000 troops took the beach and secured it
    5. This was Winston Churchill's redemption
  • Bulge

    1. Last major German offensive on the western front
    2. The allied plans were delayed by 5 or 6 weeks
    3. The allies won the battle
    4. Ended with Germany having about 380,000 troops and the allies having upwards of 700,000
    5. The troops were already fatigued from weeks of combat before the battle and that led to Germany losing the fight