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WWII Battles 2

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    The battle of the Atlantic

    A constant battle throughout the war. It was the battle to control trade across the Atlantic and trying to cut off supplies that the Americans And British were Trying to give to the allies. Wether the Allies got proper supplies or not would determine their victory. German U-boats would sink American and British trade ships to cut off supplies.
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    The German advance

    3 million German soldiers invaded Russia in the largest grand scale invasion in history. The Germans swiftly took over using Blitzkrieg tactics. They threatened the historical city of Leningrad and the Capital Moscow. This battle resulted in the most deaths. It was stalled by the Russian winter, but started back up in the spring.
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    Battle of Stalingrad

    The invading Germans were stopped at Stalingrad by the Red army, which held their ground. The Germans launched a two month firing campaign but the Red army stood strong. When the winter came again, the Red army had the advantage and drove back the German armies. The Germans at Stalingrad surrendered in 1943. If it weren’t for this battle, Germany would have most likely gotten to Moscow and may have taken over Russia.
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    Invasion of Italy

    American and British troops invaded the Italian island of Sicily. The Italians lost trust in their leader Mussolini and overthrew him, eventually waging war on Germany and joining the allies. This moment was important as it brought down one of the three biggest axis threats.
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    Two million allied troops invaded Western Europe and France. The allies liberated France and Paris from Germany. This was the moment that Germany really began to lose the war, as they had lost a lot in France and Paris.
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    Battle of the Bulge

    Germany attempted a counterattack on the allies at Belgium and Luxembourg. They pushed back the U.S. first army forming a bulge in the line. This battle was the largest battle in Western Europe during WWII and the largest fought by U.S. troops. In the end the Nazi leaders realized they had lost the battle. This battle was the final blow to the Nazi’s.