Iwo jima flag raising wwii

WWII Battles

  • Blitzkreig of Poland

    Blitzkreig of Poland
    This is the major invasion that started WWII. Bafore this an anti-agression pact was signed between Soviet Russia and Germeny so they could invade from each side without fear of attack by the other.
  • Start of the Battle of the Atlantic

    Start of the Battle of the Atlantic
    A large battle, spanning to the end of the war, mainly between the Us and Great Britain vs. Germany. This is where the US used the old convoy system from WWI aganist the German wolf packs.
  • Dunkirk Evacuation

    Dunkirk Evacuation
    When Germeny invades France, the remaining allied troops of France were pushed toward the English Canal where they were corned. Great Britain called for every person with a boat to rescue the stranded soilders at Dunkirk.
  • Battle of Britain

    Battle of Britain
    Britain was one of Hitler's final targets. So he used the same plan as with Poland using the blitkreig stradgey. This was stopped however, due to Britain new aquired technology of RAF. Hilter eventully called off the invasion.
  • Operation Barbossa

    Operation Barbossa
    This was Hitler's plan of invading Russia. Russia retaliated by luring the Germans in farther and burning everything while they did that. So when winter came, the Germans were unprepared for the harsh climate and no food.
  • Battle of the Guadalcanal

    Battle of the Guadalcanal
    This was the start of Gen. Mac Arthur's stradgey of island hopping.
  • Battle of Moscow

    Battle of Moscow
    Operation Barbossa's goal was to capture Moscow. Hitler reached the city before being confronted by Russian forces. This was untimatley a lost battle for Germany.
  • Attack on Pearl Harbor

    Attack on Pearl Harbor
    This is the event that brought the US into WWII. Japanese bomber plans dropped bombs onto military base in Pearl Harbor Hawaii.
  • Doolittle Raid over Tokyo

    Doolittle Raid over Tokyo
    As a retaliation, Gen. Doolittle tooks a few hundred planes and dropped fire bombs onto Tokyo Japan. These caused the city to burn almost to the ground.
  • Battle of Coral Sea

    Battle of Coral Sea
    One of the largest battles in WWII. This was mainly fought between planes but included the Navy. Both sides claim victory. The Japanese retreated but the US had more casualities.
  • Battle of Midway

    Battle of Midway
    Considered the turning point in the war, a captain of a Navy vessels ran into Japanese troops heading toward Pearl Harbor. They were outnumbered and still won the battle with the odds aganist them.
  • Battle of Stalingrad

    Battle of Stalingrad
    After Moscow, Hitler turned toward Stalingrad, which had plenty of resources. Upon arrival, the Germans controlled 9/10 of the city. The Russians however knew the layout and could easliy move from place to place. The Germans were also notprepared for winter in this case.
  • Operation Torch

    Operation Torch
    This way the Allied invasion of Sicicly, soon followed by Italy. Rather than hit the Germans at the hard spot of France, they went through the "soft underbelly" of the Axis.
  • Battle of Leyte Gulf

    Battle of Leyte Gulf
    Not a very major battle for the US but is considered important because it was a major moral booster back home.
  • D-Day

    On of the most famous events. This is the Allied invasion of North France on the beaches of Normandy. Casualties range from a few for easier drop sites to severe like on Omaha beach.
  • Battle of the Buldge

    Battle of the Buldge
    As a last effort, Germans broke through allied lines. his was their last hop before the end of the war. Breaking through created a buldge if drawn on a map.
  • Battle of Iwo Jima

    Battle of Iwo Jima
    The most famous and bloodiest battle of WWII. This is an island very close to mainland Japan and the US wanted it for a military base for invasion.
  • Okinawa

    The final battle in the Pacific, it was wanted for used as a base for the oncoming invasion of Japan.
  • Battle of Berlin

    Battle of Berlin
    As retaliation Stalin pushed into Germany and took te capital. Along the way he liberated death camps holding Jews and others.
  • End of WWII (V-E Day)

    End of WWII (V-E Day)
    This is the day when all Axis powers agreeded to surrender. WWII was over.