WWII Battle Project

  • Midway Finds Out

    From May 10-12 of 1942 Midway finds out that Japan is targeting them. Source 3: http://sunnycv.com/steve/WW2Timeline/midway/timeline.html
  • Japanese starts heading to Midway

    Around 5:45am a Catalina pilot radioed the uncoded message, "Many planes headed to Midway". By 6am all of Midways planes were airborne and on combat patrol.
  • Japanese carriers sink

    Japan lost four carriers, those including Akagi, Kaga, Soryu, and Hiryu.
  • Torpedo Planes attack Japanese Carriers

    Battle of Midway was fought almost entirely with aircraft. The U.S destroyed Japans first-line carrier strength and most of its best trained pilots.
  • First Attack from Japan

    First Attack from Japan
    On June 4, 1942 at approximately 6:30am Japanese planes made their first attack on Midway. Japanese carriers attacked and damaged the US base on Midway. Source 1: https://www.nationalww2museum.org/war/topics/battle-of-midway#:~:text=On%20the%20morning%20of%20June,the%20US%20base%20on%20Midway.
  • Japan Attacks Again

    Japan Attacks Again
    After making their first attack, Japan headed back to their carriers to refuel and rearm, to return and make their second attack. Source 2: https://www.history.navy.mil/browse-by-topic/wars-conflicts-and-operations/world-war-ii/1942/midway.html
  • The Island of Kiska is taken by Japan

    Japan takes the Island of Kiska to protect the Japanese Empire.
  • The island of Attu is taken by Japan

    Japan takes the island of Attu to protect the Japanese Empire.
  • US attacks Japan

    US attacks Japan
    The Midway Islands were claimed by the U.S.