Low boss of the universe 4

WWII Appeasement

  • Hitler Rebuilds Military

    Hitler Rebuilds Military
    Hitler defies the Treaty of Versailles by building an Air Force, Navy, and beginning a military draft.
    Britain appeases Germany partly by allowing them to build a navy a third of the size of Britain's. Essentially allowing Germany to break an agreement from the Treaty of Versailles.
  • Hitler becomes Chancellor of Germany

    Hitler becomes Chancellor of Germany
  • Hitler takes the Rhineland

    Hitler takes the Rhineland
    The Rhineland is an area on the boarder of France and Germany. The Treaty of Versailles declared it a demilitarized zone.

    Hitler invaded the area even though it could have led to war with France. France would not take any action with out British support. Britain said it was Germany's "own backyard".
  • Austria invasion ('Anschluss')

    Austria invasion ('Anschluss')
    Hitler wanted to reunite all German speaking countries back with Germany. He demands Nazi leaders be given powerful positions within the government.
    The Austrian leader (von Schuschnigg) gave into Hitler, on that issue. However, he later pushed for Austria to vote on joining with Germany. Hitler responds by sending troops & forcing the uniting of Austria and Germany. France did protest this but they did not take any action. The annexation is referred to as the Anschluss ('joining' in German)
  • The Munich Conference

    The Munich Conference
    Hitler wanted to take the Sudetenland which was a part of Czechoslovakia. The Czechs resisted Hitler's demands. France, Soviet Union, and Britain all threatened to retaliate if Hitler attempted to take the territory. Representatives from Britain, France, Italy met with Hitler to determine what would happen. France and Britain gave into Hitler's demands to avoid war. British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain knew the only alternative was a European war that Britain was not yet ready for.
  • City of Danzig

    City of Danzig
    Following WWI, the city of Danzig was declared a free city and administered by Poland and the League of Nations. Hitler wanted the city returned to Germany. He also demanded that a railroad and highway to and from Danzig to Germany be accessible. Hitler's latest demand led France and Britain to believe that war with Germany would come soon.
  • The Polish Guarantee

    The British viewed the Munich Agreement and subsequent annexation of Czechoslovakia as a last ditch effort to avoid war, but began to prepare for the worst.
    Britain ramps up war preparations. Britain and France agree to provide Poland military support in case of German invasion.
  • Invasion of Czechoslovakia

    Invasion of Czechoslovakia
    Agreements from the Munich Conference fail.
    Hitler sends his forces into Czechoslovakia and divides it. Slovakia falls under German control, and Czech is now a German colony.
  • "Molotov - Ribbentrop Non-Aggression Pact"

    "Molotov - Ribbentrop Non-Aggression Pact"
    After Danzig Hitler orders his army to prepare to invade Poland. Munich delays the invasion, as well as Hitler's concerns around taking on the entire continent of Europe and Russia simultaneously. He has his foreign minister start discussions with the USSR. Russia's talks with Britain and France fall through, so she turns her attention to Germany. They agree to a 10 year peace and also create a secret plan to carve up Poland, Turkey and the Baltic states into "spheres of influence".
  • German Invasion of Poland

    German Invasion of Poland
    Germany invades Poland using blitzkrieg or "lightning war". They crushed the Polish who used soldiers on horseback verses German tanks. Britain and France declare war on Germany two days later.