WWII and the Foreign Policy during the Early Cold War

  • Japanese Attack on Pearl Harbor

    Japan made a suprise military strike on Pearl Harbor. This was due to the US cutting off Japan's oil supply, due to Japan not listening to US demands to stop their influence in Manchuria. Japan attacked as an attempt to get oil back, but the United States was coming out of isolationism and decided to prepare for war. The attack was important as it showed the US officially coming out of isolationism and into WWII.
  • Yalta Conference

    A meeting between FDR, Winston Churchill, and Joseph Stalin to discuss the division of Germany, forming the United Nations, and the future of Eastern Europe. Stalin joined war against Japan for influence in Manchuria. They also discussed the United Nation's Security Council. It was important because it helped "The Big Three" address tensions regarding Germany, Poland, and Japan.
  • Truman Doctrine Begins

    A U.S foreign policy by President Truman which aimed against the spread communism. The US provided political, military, and economic support to democratic nations threatened by communist forces. It helped Greece and Turkey with money and resources to become more democratic. It was important as it gave aid which shaped the US's international relations, and led to more such as The Marshall Plan.
  • China becomes Communist

    The China Communist Party defeated the Chinese Nationalist Party after Civil War. Nationalists seperated and went to Taiwan. China becoming communist alligned with the Soviet Union. This shifted China's global power during Cold War. This event is important as it made China the largest communist nation, affected their international relations, and affected Cold War tensions.
  • Korean War

    Korea had an existing armistice in which they agreed to stay divided. After WWII, Korea was divided by a border of latitude. North Korea was supported by the Soviet Union and they invaded South Korea who was supported by the US. The war continued with clash of beliefs such as communism and democracy for three wars with 3 million dead and thousands injured. It was important as it established the UN as an active military force in international relations and marked first major Cold War conflict.
  • Suez Crisis

    The Egyptian government attempted to seize control of the Suez Canal. The Canal was managed by Britain and France, and Britain, France, and Israel invaded Egypt to take back control of the Suez Canal. Egypt won and took the Suez Canal, which strengthened Egyptian nationalism. The crisis was historically important as it challenged U.S alliance with Britian and France, and showed British power declining.
  • Warsaw Pact Created

    This was a military alliance made by the Soviet Union, Albania, Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, East Germany, Hungary, Poland, and Romania which opposed NATO. This was formed in the Cold War and due to rearmament of West Germany. It helped strengthened their defense and eventually ended after the end of the Cold War. This alliance was important as it highlighted military difference between the East and the West, and showed Cold War tensions.
  • U-2 Spy Plane Incident

    Francis Gary Powers flew an American U-2 plane which was shot over Soviet territory. The Soviet Union had figured out this was a spy mission in order to gather information on the Soviet military such as nuclear weapons. The event created diplomatic crisis after Francis Gary Powers was captured and admitted spying. The incident was important as it increased Cold War tension and exposed the U.S efforts.
  • Bays of Pigs Invasion

    A group of Cubans backed up by the U.S tried to overthrow Fidel Castro's communist government. This was due to Castro's communist ideology which some Cubans did not agree with. The invasion was ineffective and taken down. The invasion was important as the Soviet Union became closer with Cuba, leading to events like the eventual Cuban Missile Crisis. It also heightened tensions between nations such as the Soviet Union, Cuba, and the U.S.
  • Cuban Missile Crisis

    The U.S discovered nuclear missiles in Cuba planted by the Soviet Union which would have affected the U.S as well. A blockade was inforced on Cuba with very dangerous confrontation. Soviets negotiated removing the missiles if the U.S did not invade Cuba and removed U.S missiles in Turkey. It was important as it showed effective negotiation between the U.S and Soviet Union, but showed direct conflict and potential nuclear war which would affect many nations.