
WWII - Garrett Clady

  • Invasion of Poland

    Invasion of Poland
    German invasion of Poland marks the beginning of WWII
  • Fall of France to Germany

    Fall of France to Germany
    Germany was able to aviod the maginot lines and advance on France. The picture shows Adolf Hitler with the Eiffiel Tower, after they had taken over Paris.
  • The Battle of Britain begins

    The Battle of Britain begins
    This battle mainly consisted of the German air force constantly bombing Great Britian.
  • The U.S passes the neutrality acts

    The U.S passes the neutrality acts
    This act was put in place to keep the America isolationism and to stay out of the war in Europe. We wanted to focus more on getting America out of the depression not on fighting a war.
  • Roosevelt signs the lend-lease act

    Roosevelt signs the lend-lease act
    This was put in place to supply the allied forces in Europe with supplies and weapons not matter if they had money to pay for it.
  • German submarine fires on a U.S destroyer

    German submarine fires on a U.S destroyer
    A U.S destroyer, the Greer is fired on by the Germans
  • Attack on Pearl Harbor

    Attack on Pearl Harbor
    This was a surprise attack by Japan that targeted the U.S naval and air forces. This lead America to enter into WWII
  • U.S declares war on Japan

    U.S declares war on Japan
    Following the attacks on Pearl Harbor, the U.S along with Great Britian declare war on Japan.
  • Germany declares war on U.S

    Germany declares war on U.S
    After we declared war on the axis power of Japan, Germnay declared war on the U.S
  • Japanesse Americans are sent to relocation centers

    Japanesse Americans are sent to relocation centers
    Any perosn of Japanesse decent are sent to reloction centers or internment camps.
  • Gassing begins at Auschwitzs

    Gassing begins at Auschwitzs
    The mass-murder of millions of jews begins at the concentraion camp of Auschwitz.
  • The Battle of Midway

    The Battle of Midway
    A battle in which the U.S was able to destroy a large part of the Japanesse navy.
  • D-Day

    American forces stormed the beaches of France and were able to push back the German forces. The death rate at the entry points were sometimes 50% because the Germans had machiene guns waiting.
  • The start of the Battle of Leyte Gulf

    The start of the Battle of Leyte Gulf
    This battle was the biggest naval battle of WWII. It was fought in the waters outside of the Phillipines. The U.S invaded the islands to starve Japan of essentail fuel and supplies located there.
  • Battle of the Bulge

    Battle of the Bulge
    This battle was fought in the forests of the Ardennes region. This was the biggest casulities the U.S had faced in all of WWII.
  • Korematsu v. United States decided

    Korematsu v. United States decided
    Korematsu took the U.S to court, claiming that putting Japanesse Americans into relocation centers was against the Constitution. The final verdict was that during wartime the U.S had the power to do that.
  • Yalta conference

    Yalta conference
    A meeting of FDR, Winston Churchill, and Joeseph Stalin to dicuss the reconstriction of post-war Europe.
  • Battle of Iwo Jima

    Battle of Iwo Jima
    This battle was fought between the U.S and Japan. The U.S ivaded the island of Iwo Jima because it held 3 Japanesse airfields and supplies. By taking over this island the Japanesse took a major blow in the Pacific.
  • Battle of Okinawa

    Battle of Okinawa
    A 3 month long battle fought ont he island of Okinawa. The U.S wanted the island so they could have an airfield close to the mainland of Japan. This battle resulted in thousands of deaths for both sides. Often considered the bloodiest battle in the Pacifice.
  • President Roosevelt dies

    President Roosevelt dies
    After the death of President Roosevelt, Truman is sworn into office.
  • V-E(Victory in Europe) Day

    V-E(Victory in Europe) Day
    Germany surrenders annocning the end of WWII
  • Potsdam Conference

    Potsdam Conference
    A meeting between the new U.S president Harry Truman, Winston Churchill, and Joesph Stalin. This meeting was abranch of the Yalta conference where the same things were discussed. The new thing as Harry Truman as president.
  • First atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima

    First atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima
    The U.S drops the atomic bomb of the citties of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, killing thousands of civilains and ending the war with Japan.
  • V-J(Victory in Japan) Day

    V-J(Victory in Japan) Day
    After dropping the atomic bombs on Japan, they surrendered leaving the allied forces victorious.