• Germany invades Poland

    This was the official start of the war.
  • France and Great Britain declare war.

  • Canada declares war on Germany

    This is the beginning of the battle of the Alantics.
  • Frace signs armistice with Germany

    This is a cease fire but not the end of the war
  • German U-Boats hit British merchant ships

    Many of the passengers on the boat were American citzens on vacation
  • Nazi's invade Yugoslavia and Greece

  • Yugoslavia surrenders to Nazi Germany

  • Japan bombed Pearl Harbor

    The Japanese bombed the United States main naval base. The US responded with the declaration of war.
  • US stops assets that are sent across the Atlantic

    The US stops all assets that are sent to Germany and to Italy.
  • Germany invades Soviet Union (Russia)

    The weather in the USSR stopped the German troops from advancing.
  • First American troops enter Great Britain

  • Battle of the Coral Sea

    The Allied forces beat the Japanese. This battle turned the tide of the war and stopped the Japanese from advancing in the Pacific.
  • Nazi's begin mass murder of Jews

    The Jews were killed with gas chambers in Auschwitz.
  • Axis surrenders in North Africa

    German and Italian troops surrender and evacuate Africa.
  • Mussolini arrested

    The Italian facist government ended.
  • Italian surrender to the Aliies

  • Tehran Conference

    Meeting with Stalin, Churchill, and Roosevelt about the final attacks on Germany. They deided to attack through France.
  • D-Day

    The attack by Great Britain, USSR, and the US on Germany. This was a bombing and military attack. This was a major point in Anne Frank's diary.
  • Yalta Conference

    Meeting with the USSR, Britain, and the US that created the United Nations and divided Germany into 4 miltary zones (Big Three and France).
  • President Roosevlet Died

    He did not live to see the end of World War II. Vice President Harry S. Truman became President of the USA.
  • United Nations formed

    This world organization of nations' goal was to keep world peace and to promorte cooperation among nations.
  • Germany Surrenders

    The Germans surrender to the Allies.
  • Potsdam Conference

    Discussion with Stalin, Churchill, and Truman. Truman demaded self-determination and Stalin insides on communist states as buffer.This solidified plan for Germany occupation and Poland would have free elections.
  • The Second Bomb

    The USA dropped the second atomic bomb on Japan and they surrendered. World War II was finally over.
  • Bombing of Japan

    The U.S.A. dropped the first atomic bombs on Hiroshima & Nagasaki ever in history and ended the war becuase they surrendered.