Germany invades Poland
This was the official start of the war. -
France and Great Britain declare war.
Canada declares war on Germany
This is the beginning of the battle of the Alantics. -
Frace signs armistice with Germany
This is a cease fire but not the end of the war -
German U-Boats hit British merchant ships
Many of the passengers on the boat were American citzens on vacation -
Nazi's invade Yugoslavia and Greece
Yugoslavia surrenders to Nazi Germany
Japan bombed Pearl Harbor
The Japanese bombed the United States main naval base. The US responded with the declaration of war. -
US stops assets that are sent across the Atlantic
The US stops all assets that are sent to Germany and to Italy. -
Germany invades Soviet Union (Russia)
The weather in the USSR stopped the German troops from advancing. -
First American troops enter Great Britain
Battle of the Coral Sea
The Allied forces beat the Japanese. This battle turned the tide of the war and stopped the Japanese from advancing in the Pacific. -
Nazi's begin mass murder of Jews
The Jews were killed with gas chambers in Auschwitz. -
Axis surrenders in North Africa
German and Italian troops surrender and evacuate Africa. -
Mussolini arrested
The Italian facist government ended. -
Italian surrender to the Aliies
Tehran Conference
Meeting with Stalin, Churchill, and Roosevelt about the final attacks on Germany. They deided to attack through France. -
The attack by Great Britain, USSR, and the US on Germany. This was a bombing and military attack. This was a major point in Anne Frank's diary. -
Yalta Conference
Meeting with the USSR, Britain, and the US that created the United Nations and divided Germany into 4 miltary zones (Big Three and France). -
President Roosevlet Died
He did not live to see the end of World War II. Vice President Harry S. Truman became President of the USA. -
United Nations formed
This world organization of nations' goal was to keep world peace and to promorte cooperation among nations. -
Germany Surrenders
The Germans surrender to the Allies. -
Potsdam Conference
Discussion with Stalin, Churchill, and Truman. Truman demaded self-determination and Stalin insides on communist states as buffer.This solidified plan for Germany occupation and Poland would have free elections. -
The Second Bomb
The USA dropped the second atomic bomb on Japan and they surrendered. World War II was finally over. -
Bombing of Japan
The U.S.A. dropped the first atomic bombs on Hiroshima & Nagasaki ever in history and ended the war becuase they surrendered.