• Germany invades Poland

    In September 1, 1939 Germany invades Poland 1.5 million German troops along with 1,750 mile border. While the Germans bombed the Polish air fields now Adolf Hitler claimed the invasion but Britain and France did not believe him. On September 3, the have declared war on Germany.
  • Germany invaded France and Captured Paris

    Germany invaded France and Captured Paris
    This invasion happed in June 14, 1940.German troops marched into Paris in the early hours of this morning as French and allied forces retreated.
  • Germany Bombed London

    Germany Bombed London
    On 7 September Germany bombed London and Hitler, was frustrated by RAF's superiority over the Luftwaffe and enraged by its bombing of German cities, vowed to demolish the British capital and the spirit of its people.
  • The U.S gave Britain Supplies

    The U.S gave Britain Supplies
    The U.S. helped Britain out with supplies for an exchange for bases in the Caribbean. After that the Lend Lease act gave the President the authority to sell or lend the equiptment to defend themselves against the axis powers.
  • The Bombing of Pearl Harbor

    The Bombing of Pearl Harbor
    Pearl Harbor is a U.S. naval base near Honolulu, Hawaii, and was attack by the Japanese on December 7, 1941. Just before on that Sunday morning, hundreds of Japanese fighter planes managed to destroy nearly 20 American naval vessels, including eight enormous battleships, and over 300 airplanes. And than 2,400 Americans died in the attack, including civilians, and another 1,000 people were wounded. The day after the attack, President Franklin D. Roosevelt asked Congress to declare war on Japan.
  • The U.S declares war on Japan and Germany

    The U.S declares war on Japan and Germany
    On December 8, 1941 The United Stated declared war on Germany and japan. On this day Japan forces attacked United states. And Roosevelt made a 10 min speech ending it with "so god may help us".
  • Battle of midway

    Battle of midway
    the Battle of Midway happend on June 4, 1942 - June 7, 1942 this was the day when the United Stated won over japan and ambushed japans plans while they destoryed their air crafts and the navy of Japan.
  • Germany invaded the Soviet Union

    Germany invaded the Soviet Union
    This Happend on June 22, 1942 under the code name "Barbarossa " the Germans invaded the soviet union and they won at the Stalingrad.
  • !D-Day!

    On June 6 1944, D-Day began over 156,000 American, British ,Canadian Forces landed on a 5 different Beaches this invasion was the largest amphibious millitary assults in History.