• Shoah

    This was the way that the Nazis exterminated the Jewish people in Europe, and it is what the Hebrews called the holocaust. It is like the holocaust and not like the UN. This date is when the hebrews believe the Shoah to have begun, and it is when Adolf Hitler first gained control of Germany.It lasted until the end of the war in 1945
  • Theater Of War

    this is land, air and sea area that is involved or may become involved in the war operations or battle. This date was the beginning of WWII, and it happened when Germany first invaded POland in 1939.
  • Battle of Stalingrad

    This was a strategical nightmare for the germans because they got bogged down in the winter in central russia, so it caused hitler to abandon his use of the Blitzkrieg and cost him his forst major loss in the war.
  • Pearl Harbor

    This was the day that the US Naval Base was attacked by the Japanese around 8AM. The attack claimed 2-3 thousand lives and included the sinking of ships, destruction of planes and military buildings. It ultimately drew America into the War.
  • Internment

    This was the day that Japanese were starting to become captured and relocated to internment camps around the U.S. One such camp was located on what is now known as the puyallup fair grounds. It was a product of xenophobia, as people didnt like the japanese for what they had done to pearl harbor.
  • Battle Of Midway

    This was a large battle that was involved in the pacific theater and it was the invasion of a small japanese military stronghold, by the American forces. It was a major defeat to the Japanese naval forces, and therefore a turning point in the war.
  • Blitzkreig

    this was an intense military campaign intended to bring about a swift victory. As a tactic it was used to devastating effect in the first years of World War Two and resulted in the British and French armies being pushed back in just a few weeks to the beaches of Dunkirk and the Russian army being devastated in the attack on Russia in June 1941.
  • Opertion Overlord

    this was the codename for the battle of Normandy in France, where the U.S. troops and battleships had stormed the beaches. This was a turning point because it forced the Germans to start fighting on two different fronts. This particular date was the day that it ocurred.
  • Battle of the Bulge

    This was the battle when teh allies held off german forces at their line of attack, and it was a major development and defeat of the german army. It basically seals the german fate in the war because it cost them troops in russia, and caused negative momentum that would carry on until the end of the war.
  • Battle of Iwo Jima

    This was another turning point in the war because they wanted to gain the control of three airstrips, in order to stage future attacks on the main island of Japan. it was one of the most costly and deadly battles of the entire war. The concentration of fighting was primarily based on land.
  • Fat Man & Little Boy

    the two atomic bombs that were dropped on the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Some examples would be thin man and the bombing of Pearl Harbor. This was the date that the U.S. actually dropped the bomb on Hiroshima, and the second bomb was dropped on August 9th.
  • United Nations

    This was created post WWII and its purpose was to solve problems between countries peacefully and quickly, so that there was a diminutive chance of starting a war. This was the date that is was efectively and actually created and implemented for use after WWII.
  • Nuremburg Trials

    the German war crime trials. These were the trials that were held against the Nazi soldiers after WWII, prosecuting them for the war crimes they had committed. Like tribunal, prosecution, court, lawyers. This is the date of the first trial, and they lasted until october of 1946.
  • Zionism

    Started in 1906, and it was the movement seeking a Jewish homeland in Palestine. This was the date that the Zionist movement actually got what they wanted, and that was their own country. Because there was no where for all of the evicted Jews to go.