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  • Mussolini’s March on Rome

    Mussolini’s March on Rome
    March to Rome, the event that brought Benito Mussolini to power in Italy at the end of October 1922. This march marked the beginning of fascist rule and marked the collapse of the socialist and liberal parliamentary system up to that point. The outcome led to the fear of Fascist rule becoming larger and spreading throughout while also showing the rising power of Italy
  • Stalin becomes dictator of USSR

    Stalin becomes dictator of USSR
    Stalin was apart of the Russian Civil war before the build up of the USSR in 1922. But following Vladimir Lenin's death in 1924 he became the Dictator. This was big because it included the creation of a one party totalitarian and he followed communist beliefs.
  • Hitler writes Mein Kampf

    Hitler writes Mein Kampf
    He was sentenced to 5 years imprisonment but only served 9 months and because his political career was at an all-time low, he decided that the creation of the book would bring him some money, spread his radical views, and attack those he accused of betraying him and Germany. Hitlers "Mein Kampf" promoted key components of National Socialism, Violent anti-Semitism, a racist worldview, and an aggressive foreign policy.
  • 1st “five year plan” in USSR

    1st “five year plan” in USSR
    Stalin desired to remove and replace any policies created under the New Economic Policy. The first 5 year plan focused on the development of heavy industry and the collectivization of agriculture, at the expense of a significant decline in consumer goods and also initiate rapid and large-scale industrialization throughout the USSR.
  • Japan invades Manchuria

    Japan invades Manchuria
    Due to chronic shortages of raw materials, Japan desperately needed political and cultural dominance in Asia. In September 1931, Japan invaded Manchuria and turned the province of China into a puppet state. President Hoover opposed a military response and also opposed economic sanctions against Japan.
  • Holodomor

    This was a famine that started in Ukraine with USSR leader Joseph Stalin, he ordered that peasants give up their lands, personal property and even housing to collective farms. Consequences to not following these directions lead to getting deported. The reason this is so important and known is because it is the first planned Genocide. It deprived the people who were the ones producing the food which led to starvation of 3.9 million Ukrainians.
  • Hitler appointed chancellor of Germany

    Hitler appointed chancellor of Germany
    Hitler tried very hard to become Chancellor which means he would be in full power of the country. Federal President Paul von Hindenburg initially resisted the request. However, he gave in and appointed Hitler Chancellor on January 30, 1933. Hindenburg appointed Hitler to this post by political agreement and with Hindenburg's death in the following year this made Hitlers job much easier.
  • “Night of the Long Knives” in Germany

    “Night of the Long Knives” in Germany
    The Night of the Wooden Knife resulted in the murder without trial of 400 people, including former chancellors, Nazis with similar ideals as Rohm, and 150 leading members of the SA. It soon became clear that Hitler simply killed anyone who stood in the way of his power. It was a power statement to show how much he truly has at the tip of his finger and what he is capable of doing.
  • Nuremburg Laws enacted

    Nuremburg Laws enacted
    The Nuremberg Laws were anti-Semitic and racist laws enacted in Nazi Germany during a special session and convened during the Nazi Party's annual Nuremberg Reichstag. This legally made Jews different than their non-Jewish neighbors. It also "protected" German blood and German honor.
  • Italian invasion of Ethiopia

    Italian invasion of Ethiopia
    The purpose of the Ethiopian invasion was to increase the prestige of Italy. Under Generals Rodolfo Graziani and Pietro Badoglio, the invading forces steadily pushed back the ill-armed and poorly trained Ethiopian army, winning a major victory
  • The Great Purge and gulags

    The Great Purge and gulags
    In 1936, a series of show trials took place in Moscow.
    Prominent founders of the Soviet Union and leading members of the Communist Party were convicted and executed for counter-revolutionary activities. This led to the "Great Purge" more than a third of Communist Party members died during the purges. 81 of 103 of the highest-ranking military leaders were executed. For the people, Millions were sent to prison camps and 100's of thousands were killed in Gulag Prisons.
  • Spanish civil war

    Spanish civil war
    The Spanish Civil War began on July 17, 1936, when Generals Emilio Mora and General Francisco Franco launched an uprising aimed at overthrowing the democratically elected Spanish Republic. The war lasted 3 years with the killing of over 500,000 people and about 200,000 of those were from torture, mobs, or other brutalities. It ended with the Nationalists winning after capturing Madrid.
  • The Rape Of Nanjing

    The Rape Of Nanjing
    This had taken place during the Sino-Japanese war and Nanking was the capital of China which was invaded by the Japanese. With this, the general of Japan Matsui Iwane orders the city be destroyed. It is known as the "Rape of Nanjing" due to the fact that 150,000 male war prisoners were butchered, 50,000 civilians murdered, as well as 20,000 girls and women no matter the age were raped and for the most part killed right after.
  • Kristallnacht

    Nazi leaders unleashed a series of hate and destruction against the Jewish population in Germany and other Jewish populated territroy. This event came to be called Kristallnacht also known as The Night of Broken Glass, because of the shattered glass that littered the streets after the vandalism and destruction of Jewish-owned businesses, synagogues, and homes. It lasted throughout the night.
  • Germany Invades Poland

    Germany Invades Poland
    Germany invades Poland due to the fact they wanted more land and power and to get back what used to be theirs. This was a big show that Hitler wanted war and what showed the German attack strategy known as the "Blitzkrieg" that was used throughout WWII.
  • Japan bombs Pearl Harbor

    Japan bombs Pearl Harbor
    Japan intended the attack as a defensive action.The goal was to prevent the United States Pacific Fleet from interfering with its planned military actions. Not only did this break down America and create public fear. But this doomed Japan for it is what caused America to no longer be neutral and officially declare war on Japan. This is the second biggest terrorist attack with 2,403 deaths.