• Rise of Mussolini and Fascism in Italy

    Fighting bands (Mussolini’s new group) and Mussolini marched to where he announced his new government. He had the help of his own newly formed group by his side. With the help of his new Fascist group, he was able to declare himself as Italy’s new dictator and Italy into a Fascist state for now on.
  • Japan invading Manchuria

    Manchuria is a city on China's North Eastern seaboard and it was attacked by Japan in 1931. Japan was lacking resources such as rubber, oil and lumber and it turned to Manchuria for those resources. Also Japan was coming overcrowed by the growing population and Manchuria would give Japan over 200,00 square kilometers of land. By February 1932, Japan conquered completely Manchuria and set a state called Manchukuo. https://www.mtholyoke.edu/acad/intrel/WorldWar2/manchuria.htm
  • Germany's Rearmament

    In March, Hitler announced that he will rearm Germany. He knew that would violate the treaty of Versailles on Germany’s agreement. Countries like Britain , France, Italy and the League of Nations condemning hitlers decision.
  • Ethiopia

    Ethiopia and Italy had a border incident that gave Italy a reason to invade Ethiopia in 1935. The League of Nations banned the use of chemical weapons, but over 100,000 Ethiopians died of Muster Gas. Even though Ethiopia never surrendered, on June 1 Ethiopia was annexed by Italy, meaning the end of the war. Italy forced Ethiopia's leader, Haile, into exile and Mussolini declared a new empire in Africa. https://www.warhistoryonline.com/world-war-ii/the-invasion-of-crete-last-b.html
  • Spanish Civil War

    Spain was in a civil war, Republican government vs. the Nationalist. The Republicans was made of the government, workers, unions, communists, etc. While the Nationalists was made of the army, high class, landowners, etc.The Republicans was supported by the Soviet Union and Nationalists was supported by Italy and Germany. In 1936, Manuel Azana was president when Francisco Franco invaded Spain, the country erupted into Civil war.https://www.donquijote.org/spanish-culture/history/spanish-civil-war/
  • Anschluss or Union.

    Germany had reached a political union with Austria after Hitler forced Austria’s schuschning to agree to let Germany Nazis virtually a free hand. Schuschning then rejected the agreement had tried to have all of it removed. Schuschning was bullied into having it cancelled and to resign from his position. Austria was annexed into Germany.
  • Czechoslovakia

    Hitler and other European leaders gathered and signed the Munich Pact that will decide the fate of Czechoslovakia. The government of Czech. ended up giving Germany a huge portion and resources. They were then forced to declare the independence of Slovakia. Slovakia couldn’t keep up with Hitlers demands. The government surrendered afterwards. https://www.history.com/this-day-in-history/nazis-take-czechoslovakia
  • Invasion of Poland

    1.5 million German soldiers came around 4:45 am in the morning to invade Poland. The German troops ended up bombing and attacked polish naval forces. Hitler said he was invading Poland for his own defense. On September 3, France and Britain were not convinced and they declared war with Germany. This war initiated World War II.
