WWII Timeline

  • Italy turns Fascist

    Mussolini and his black shirts take over Italy
  • Manchurian Crisis

    Japanese invade Chinese province of Manchuria which makes Japanese fascists rise
  • Hitler Gains Power

    Hitler gains power over Germany and turns it into a fascist country
  • Nuremburg Laws in Germany

    Antisemitism is now stronger in Germany
  • Germany, Italy, and Japan

    Axis Powers are now created
  • Anchluss

    Germany takes over Austria
  • Kristelnaught

    Translating to "Night of broken glass" is where German civilians would destroy buildings such as shops and kill many Jewish people
  • Ghettos

    Germans start moving Jewish people into ghettos and would live in small rooms
  • Soviet-Nazi Non Aggression Pact

    Stalin and Hitler decided not to attack each other and to divide Poland between each other
  • Czechoslovakia

    Falls to Germany
  • Period: to

    Concentration and Extermination Camps

    Jews were moved into camps, forced into labor, depleted of human rights, and sent into extermination camps to be killed
  • World War 2 begins

    Nazi Germany invading Poland started the war
  • War is declared

    Britain and France declare war against Germany
  • Period: to

    Battle of the Atlantic

    Important supply lines for Allies constantly attacked by Axis whole war long
  • Canada gets involved

    Canada declares war on Germany
  • Battle of Britain

    Germans "Luftwaffe" attacked Britain but the RAF, RCAF, and Polish air forces frustrated them and made them stop
  • Axis Land Update

    Owned most of mainland Europe
  • Battle of Hong Kong

    Canadians were stationed in Hong Kong to protect British territory from Japanese. Canadians surrendered and were taken prisoners of war and were tortured for 3 and a half years
  • Operation Barbossa

    Hitler turns back on Soviet-Nazi Non Aggression Pact and takes an assault on Russia
  • Attack on Pearl Harbour

    Japanese Air force attacks US largest naval base without having any declaration of war before the attack
  • Americans get involved

    America declares war on Japan and Germany
  • Island Hopping

    Americans liberate the tiny islands in the Pacific from the Japanese and start moving towards Japan
  • Dieppe Raid

    Allies attacked Germany to open a western front by attacking on the Northern French Coast but ended up getting 3000 casualties from the well prepared Germans
  • Battle of Stalingrad

    Germany wanted to take over the city because it was Stalin's and were becoming successful but the Soviets stood their ground and won the battle where they then started pushing west towards Germany
  • American Naval Battles

    Americans start moving east in the Pacific towards the Japanese
  • Battle of Ortana

    Allies attacked Germany and liberated Ortana
  • France gets liberated

    Allies liberate France
  • Battle of Guam

    America fights Japan and liberates Guam
  • Kamikaze Pilots

    Attacks to resist the Americans
  • Battle of the Scheldt

    1st and 2nd Canadian army fought Germany back and liberated the Schedlt River and after that they Antwerp, Amsterdam and other Dutch cities until they liberate the Netherlands
  • Battle of the Bulge

    Germany attacked the allies in a attempt to take the Antwerp back but fail
  • Manhattan Project

    Secret plans of Atomic bombs made by the US
  • D-Day

    British, Canadians, American, and other allied forces attacked the Normandy beaches and started the liberation of France
  • Paris gets liberated

    Liberated by the allies
  • Japanese Islands

    Imo Jima and Okinawa are liberated by the Americans which are close to Japan
  • Roosevelt Dies

    Truman takes over presidency and is introduced to the Manhattan Project
  • Hitler Commits Suicide

    Didn't wanted to be humiliated like Mussolini was
  • Soviet Arrives at Berlin

    Berlin surrenders
  • V-E Day

    The Nazis fall and there is peace in Europe "Victory in Europe Day"
  • Trinity Test

    Tested 1 out of 3 atomic bombs in Los Alamos, New mexico and the result was successful
  • Hiroshima Atomic Bombing

    America dropped a bomb on Hiroshima called the "Little boy" in an attempt for Japan to surrender but Japan resists the surrender
  • Atomic Bombing of Nagasaki

    America drops a bomb called "Fat Man" on Nagasaki in an attempt to make Japan surrender and are successful in doing so
  • United Nations

    Formed into another attempt to hold peace into the world
  • WWll ends (V-J Day)

    "Victory over Japan Day"
    Many Japanese commited suicide because they have failed their country