• WWI Ended

  • Germany admitted to League Of Nations

  • Max Ernst

    Was a painter during WWII
  • Germans elect Nazis making them 2nd largest political party in Germany

    Adolf Hitler was happy to practically control Germany.
  • Franklin Rosevelt elected president of the United States

    He would later after the bombing of Pearl Harbor kill many Japanese.
  • Adolf Hitler Became Leader

    Hitler grew up wanting to become a priest and an artist. He was also often beaten by his father. His brother died at a young age and Adolf grew up scared of death.
  • First concentration camp opened in Oranienburg outside Berlin

  • Cicil war erupts in Spain

  • German military mobilizes

    Germany is ready to attack.
  • Tech during WWII

    They used radiation to track were there enimies were.
  • Spanish Civil war ends

  • Nazis sign 'Pact of Steel' with Italy

  • 1.25 Millions Adolf Hitler and the Germans Raided Poland

    Hiter hated Jews and was afraid of the jews taking over Germany so he put them in concentration camp and killed them. Many people hid Jews in their houses to hide them from the Nazi soldiers.
  • WWII Began: Europe declared war against Germany

    Germany thought they were treated unfairly because of " The Treaty of Versailles" so they started the war.
  • Britan, France, Australia, and New Zealand declare war on Germany

  • Canada declares war on Germany; Battle of the Arctic begins

  • The German army invaded Denmark and Norway

  • The Battle of Britain

    Churchill would not leave London and the Germans bombed London. This attack was called the Battle of Britain. Also know as "Blitz". 32,000 people​ died.
  • Churchill became Prime Minister

    They turned to Churchill​ out of fear and made him prime minister.
  • Churchill won the Battle of Britain

  • German occupy Paris

    France was taken over by Germany and Paris was used as a headquarters.
  • D-Day

    D-day is the Battle of Normandy began.
  • booming on christmas

    at bastonge belugium solgers past dead boadys
  • WWII Ended

  • Five men plant the American flag

    Five Marines and a Navy Hospital corpsman raise the American flag on Mount Suribachi after defeating the Japanese army. Killing 21,000 Japanese which is the entire force.
  • Rosevelt Died and and Truman took over as president

    Rosevelt Died and and Truman took over as president
  • V-E Day

    The end of the War with Germany
  • Atomic Bomb Dropped on Hiroshima

    Atomic Bomb Dropped on Hiroshima named Little Boy
  • Atomic bomb named Fat Man dropped on Nagasaki

    Atomic bomb named Fat Man dropped on Nagasaki
  • V-J Day

    The day Japan surrendered to the Allies after 6 years.
  • The Marshall plan

    It was President Truman’s idea to not be isolationists which means by being by yourself and to be with others. It’s saved America!!
  • Brown vs Board of Education

  • Communism

    the government owns all the land.
  • my grandmother b-day

  • Little Rock Nine

    The little rock nine was a group of high schoolers who were the first ones to attend Little Rock Central highschool and were often abused and treated harshly.
  • my papa b-day

  • Willam J. Clinton

  • George W. Bush