

  • Nazi party is formed

    Hitler gives emotional speeches
  • Hitler named Leader of Nazi Party

    This is as a result of his skills as an effective speaker. He is given the title, der Fuhrer.
  • Chinese Comunist Party founded

    After a lengthy civil war in Shanghai
  • Washington Naval Conference

    in washington DC, attended by nine countries. Agreements are made which Japan later withdraws from.
  • Soviet Communist Party

    Appoints Josef Stalin as General Secretary
  • Facists of Italy appoint Mussolini as prime minister

  • Stalin becomes leader of Soviet Union

  • Great Depression Begins and Spreads

  • Hitler for German Chancellor

    gained unlimited power and became dictator
  • Nazi Book Burning

    Burned "Un-German" books
  • Hitler becomes Fuhrer of Germany

    chancellor and head of state
  • German Navy Expanded

  • Germany Invades Poland, France and Brittain invade Germany

    beginning of WW2
  • Winston Churchill becomes Prime Minister of UK

  • Pearl Harbor

  • Hitler declares war on US

  • Japanese-American Internment Order

  • US and Brittain invade Italy

  • FDR, Churchill, Stallin form alliance

  • Allies invade and regain Europe on D-Day

    known as the greatest mililtary invasion in history
  • Roosevelt dies

    after serving 4 terms as president
  • Mussolini is killed

    while fleeing to Switzerland
  • Hitler commits suicide

    knowing all was lost
  • Germany starts surrenduring

  • Manhattan Project

    introduces worlds first atomic bomb
  • Atomic Bomb is dropped in Hiroshima, then Nagasaki

  • Japan surrenders and ends WWII