• Manchuria

    Japanese invade the city of Manchurian
  • Italy and the axis

    Italy and Germany sign a treaty then later the axis is formed
  • Anti-Comintern Pact

    This was an anti communist pact between Germany and Japan
  • Lugou Bridge

    The Chinese's national revolutionary army and the Imperial army of Japan fight
  • Border surrender

    Germany, Italy, Great Britain, and France Sign and agreement that Czechoslovakia has to surrender their borders
  • Time to move in

    After Czechoslovakia surrendered their borders Germany began to move in and control the country
  • Anglo polish Agreement

    Great Britain and Poland join forces because the agreement for Czechoslovakia was broken
  • W.H. Auden

    W.H. Auden wrote a poem about the outbreak of WWII
  • War Begins

    Britain declares war on Germany after Germany invades Poland
  • The Soviets Join

    The Soviet Union Invades Poland without any declaration of war
  • Winter War

    The Soviet Union declares war on Finland and begins to invade them, this war was the Russo-Finnish war
  • Invasion of Norway

    The Germans were beginning to use their Navy to try to take over Norway
  • More war declarations

    Italy declares war on France
  • More with France

    France allows the Japanese to use their land and airports etcetera, for military uses only
  • Italy's forces

    Italy sends their forces to Egypt to invade and conquer Egypt
  • The Axis Form officially

    The tripartite pact was signed in Berlin to officially form the Axis power
  • continued fighting

    The fighting continues all over mainly in Europe but it all over the world
  • lend lease program

    The United States passes an act that makes it so then we can give resources to other allied countries
  • Tripartite is back again

    Bulgaria signs the Tripartite Act which officially joins them on the axis forces
  • Operation Barbarossa

    Operation Barbarossa was the code name for the invasion of the Soviet Union by the Axis forces
  • Operation Barbarossa continued

    Now the actual attack began when the axis invaded the Soviet Union
  • Pearl Harbor

    The Japanese Bombed the United States Pearl Harbor, this is when the U.S. wanted to join the war officially
  • U.S. Officially Joins

    The United States declares war on Japan after the bombing of Pearl Harbor happened
  • the battle for midway

    Midway was a very strategic position owned by the U.S. and the Japanese tried to take it but ultimately lost
  • More War

    Fighting continues throughout the world and the Germans continue to advance
  • second battle of El Alamein

    The second battle of El Alamein begins and lasts only one day
  • Operation Torch

    Operation Torch began to try to take back the part of France that were lost
  • The Surrender of North Africa

    The Axis had been fighting in Northern Africa and they were losing so they ultimately had to surrender their troops in Africa
  • Soviet Union Fights Back

    The Soviets create a counter offense to fight back against the Germans
  • The Invasion Begins

    The Allies begin to push their forces into Axis controlled Europe docking off of the coast of Italy
  • Italy is done

    Italy ends their alliance with Nazi Germany
  • More forces

    More forces land in Italy to have a better position in the war
  • Battle of Anzio

    The Allies thought they had the upper hand with their position but the Germans saw it coming and had major forces against them
  • Hungary

    The German troops occupy Hungary and the leader of Hungary remains in power
  • Rome

    The Allied troops push farther into Italy and gain control of Rome
  • D-Day

    The Invasion of Normandy happened now better known as D-Day
  • Operation Dragoon

    Operation Dragoon was the operation that the allies had been planning to try and take of Provence
  • Third Wave

    The Third army was now pushing into Normandy
  • Battle of the Bulge

    The Battle of the Bulge was a German attack that was being planned out as their last ditch effort
  • Change in Power

    Hungary was in control by their leader but then the switch happened and now it was being controlled by nazi Germany
  • Landing of Leyte

    The U.S. landed on Leyte even after a few Japanese bombing raids
  • Battle of the Bulge Continued

    In the Germans Fin al efforts they began the battle of the Bulge as a final push to conquer France
  • Rhine River

    The Allied forces were beginning to push forward to the Rhine river when they got there, there was still one bridge up and the U.S. began to deploy troops very rapidly across the river
  • Soviets Circling

    The Soviet Union stormed Austria and they began to circle Berlin to cut the head off the snake
  • The Death of Adolf Hitler

    Adolf Hitler Commits suicide in his underground bunker
  • The Surrender

    Germany officially surrenders to the allies and brings an end to the conflict in Europe also leaving Japan to be the last Axis nation
  • Victory Day

    This day commemorates when Germany surrenders to the allied forces
  • Nagasaki

    The plan to drop Second atomic bomb on the Japanese city of Nagasaki was made
  • Atomic Bomb

    The plan was carried through on the ninth of August and the Atomic bomb was dropped on Nagasaki
  • Japan Surrenders

    Japan Surrenders officially bringing an end to World War Two