• Mussolini’s March on Rome

    Mussolini’s March on Rome
    The march on Rome was an organized mass demonstration which turned out in a fascist party acceding to the top of the kingdom in italy.
  • Hitler writes Mein Kampf

    Hitler writes Mein Kampf
    Mein kampf was a book written by Hitler, an autobiography if you will that described the process in which he became and anti semitic and outlined his plans for Germany's future.
  • Stalin becomes dictator

    Stalin becomes dictator
    From 1928 to 1953 the year of his death Joseph Stalin assumed the role of leadership over Russia through terror, brutality and mass imprisonment.
  • 1st 5 year plans purpose

    1st 5 year plans purpose
    The purpose of the 1st 5 year plan proposed by the USSR in 1928 was so that rapid and large scale industrialization would start to manifest in this union.
  • Japan invades manchuria

    Japan invades manchuria
    Japan invaded manchuria in 1931 and by 1937 they were succesfull in controling it, they did this so the could gather resources (raw materials) to fuel their growing industries.
  • Holodomor

    Joseph Stalin was feeling threatened by the Ukraines military strength and power so he took it upon himself to have planned killings of the Ukraines smartest and most elite.
  • Hitler appointed chancellor of Germany

    Hitler appointed chancellor of Germany
    Hitler had advised hindenburg that he should become the chancellor of Germany although hindenburg disliked the idea he eventually gave in and January 30th, 1933 Hitler became the chancellor of Germany.
  • Night of the long knives

    Night of the long knives
    The Night of the long knives was an event that showed the true terror and havoc that Adolf Hitler was capable of as he eliminated hundreds of nazis that were potential political threats to his status granting the name.
  • Nuremberg Laws enacted

    Nuremberg Laws enacted
    The Nuremberg laws were anti semitic laws created to match Hitlers evil but smart plan. The laws stated that jews were to be arrested killed or transported and also stated that a new superior race ¨Aryan race¨ was to be respected.
  • Invasion of ethiopia

    Invasion of ethiopia
    This attack tested the United nations, ended a government system and led to a small war that had great impact on the ethiopian civilization which paved a road for italian occupation.
  • The great purge and gulags

    The great purge and gulags
    The great purge occurred between 1936 to 1939 also known as the Great Terror was the inhumane behavior portrayed by the Soviet police. This wasn't a great time as the Soviets used trials and all sorts of things to arrest millions such scientists, government officials, artists and etc.
  • Spanish Civil War

    Spanish Civil War
    The Spanish civil war spanned from 1936 to 1939 which was the result as the general public and military being angry with how they were being treated by their government and how fascism was beginning to spread.
  • The Rape of nanking

    The Rape of nanking
    The rape of nanking was essentially the japanese coming over to china and not only massacring the men but they raped the women and forced them to carry their children.
  • Kristillnacht

    The anti semitic laws that were passed along with a young and strong Nazi force resulted in The night of the broken glass which was when the Germans finally took a big action against all the Jews and abducted and or killed them all over night.
  • The invasion of Poland

    The invasion of Poland
    The new Nazi Germany invades Poland for their resources and land which was the spark to WWII, they did so by false accusing the polish of send demeaning messages and threats to them
  • Japan bombs Pearl Harbor

    Japan bombs Pearl Harbor
    The Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor in 1941 which woke up a sleeping giant in the US. The bombing took out multiple ships and civilian lives all possible due to it being a surprise attack.