World war ii


  • Spain civil War

    Spain civil War
    A popular unrest against the old order forceed the king to leave Spain. In 1936, a conservative general named Francisco Franco led revolt that touch of a bloddy civil war. We picked this because this help Spain become country with out monarch .
  • Japanese invasion of Manchuria

    Japanese invasion of Manchuria
    Japanese military leaders wanted to have an empire equal to the Western Powers. The league of nations demned aggresively, having Japan withdrew the organization. Their goal was to seize Manchuria. We picked this because it shows the beginning of the Japanese military power. Their strength have them succeed to overun Manchuria and Eastern China.
  • Italy Invades Ethiopia

    Italy Invades Ethiopia
    Ethiopia had no match against Italy's weapons. Though Ethiopian king, Haile Selassie asked the League of Nations for help, but it had no power to enforce the sanctions. Italy invaded Ethiopia in northeastern Africa and defeated at the battle of Adowa. This is important because, it was interesting to see how Ethiopia fought bravely with outdated weapons. Italy defeat by the Ethiopians at the battle of Adowa in 1896 still rankled.
  • Conquest of the Rhineland

    Conquest of the Rhineland
    Hitler wanted to test the Western democracies and found it weak. So he went against the Treaty of Versailles, and the Locarno treaties marking the first time since the end World war I that german troops had been in this region. Then Germans invaded Rhineland. This was important because this violated the terms of the Treaty of Versailles and Locarno Treaties.
  • Franco Becomes Dictator of Spain

    Franco Becomes Dictator of Spain
    Franco was a Spanish general, dictator and the leader of the Nationalist military rebellion in the Spanish Civil War, and totalitarian head of state of Spain, from October 1936 until his death in November 1975. Me pick this because they had a New Dictator Of Spain.
  • Start of the Second Sino-Japanese War

    Start of the Second Sino-Japanese War
    After their overun in Manchuria, Japanese armines overran much of Eastern China,staring the Second Sino japanese war. Their expansion makes them stronger, before the war. It was interesting to see another Japanese millitary action and the Western protests didn't stop them. This give them the advantage to start ahead on their military size.
  • Austria was Invaded

    Austria was Invaded
    Hitler with Germany invaded Austria, because Austria's chancellor refused to agree with Hitler's demands. So Hitler army preserve order, so indicate his new role as the ruler of Austria. This is important because, we know that Hitler used his military to invade Austria throughout that country before the war. Showing his power and his leadership, to take over Europe.
  • Munich Conference

    Munich Conference
    Conference of British and French leaders to pursuay the Czechs to surrender the Sudetenland without fighting against Germany (Hitler). This is important because, Hitler starts on expanding the territory which can start the war. The important conference had Czechs surrender Sudetenland but with no fight.
  • 'Peace for our time' Chamberlain

    'Peace for our time'  Chamberlain
    British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain spoke to a jubilant crowed upon returning to London from conference with Aldof Hitler in Munich, Germany, in September 1938. We chose this because important it was Hilter first speech to the world.
  • Poland Get Invaded (World War II Begins!)

    Poland Get Invaded (World War II Begins!)
    After the Nazi Soviet Pact, German military forces invaded the country of Poland. Then, Britain and France, wanted to have war on Germany. (World War II Began!) We chose this event because we see Hitler lied and he couldn't be trusted anymore. This is how World War II started! A war famous in history that changed the war of alliances, power, weapons, and innovation.
  • German Forces traveled to Paris

    German Forces traveled to Paris
    After Germany headed south to Paris, and Italy declared war on France,, France was forced to sign the surrender documents. France signed it on the same railroad car that Germany had signed the armistice to end World War 1. This is one of the main important facts during the timeline because, it tells us that France signed the surrendered documents, while Germany forced France to sign it. It was an interesting fact that Germany forced France to sign the document in the same railroad car from WWI
  • Axis in North Africa

    Axis in North Africa
    Mussolini ordered forces from Italy's North Africa in Libya to Egypt. British army fought them back. Also, Hitler send one of his brilliant commanders, General Erwin Rommel to North Africa to push back toe British toward Cario, Egypt.
    We chose this event because it was interesting to see WWII and Axis forces outside of Europe and into Africa. Germany having to fight all throughout Europe and Africa seemed hard and difficult to control.
  • Bombing of Britain and Ireland

    Bombing of Britain and Ireland
    This was the bombing of Britain and Northern Ireland. There were major attacks on 16 British cities. These bombings were known as "the blitz." We chose this because, it was a difficult time where many people died. It was interesting to see Germany fly far to Britain and able to bomb and destroy much of London.
  • Britian Capital gets bombed by Germany

    Britian Capital gets bombed by Germany
    German bombers first appeared over Lodon late on September 7,1940.All though the night, relays of airceaft shoered high explosives and firebombs on the sprawling capital. The boming continued for 57 nights in a row and then sporadically until the next May. These bombing attacks are known as "The blitz." Much of London was destroyed, and thousands of people lost live
    Tragic for London
  • Attack on Pearl Harbor

    Attack on Pearl Harbor
    Japanese military ordered by General Tojo, did a suprise attack on Pearl Harbor, Hawaii. Japanese airplanes bombed US navy warships and fleet. The attack ended and took the lives of 2,400 people, and the destruction on battleships and aircraft. On Dec 11, President Roosevelt then asked Congress to declare war on Japan.
    This was an important event from WWII because it was the first attack on American soil and it was the event that made US declare war on Japan.
  • Allied Forces in North Africa

    Allied Forces in North Africa
    American General, Dwight Eisenhower, took command of the joint British and American forces in North Africa (Morocco and Algeria). Advancing from the West in Tunisia, they trapped Rommel's army and surrendered.
    We chose this event because it was interesting to see such a great American general to have victory in North Africa, and who then became the President of the United States from 1953-61.
  • Battle of Midway

    Battle of Midway
    American forces won victory after an attack that fought entirely from the air. The Americans destroyed four Japanese carriers and 250 plans. The victory brought Japan inability to launch any mroe offensive operations. We chose this event because it was internesting to see a big air battle and a victory that damaged Japanese army. Without any offensive attacks by Japan, this was a big step towards losing the war.
  • Battle of Stalingrad

    Battle of Stalingrad
    Hitler launched offensive to Stalingrad, Russia for rich oil fields. But by the cold winter environment, German troops fought for buildings. The soviets encircled the attackers. and all were trapped with no food or ammunition. They finally surrendered and Hitler suffered irreplaceable troops and equipment.
    We chose the Battle of Stalingrad because it was interesting to see a huge lost for Hitler's forces for trying to attack Russia. The winter cold of Russia is Germany's weakness.
  • Warsaw Jews Damage Nazi Forces

    Warsaw Jews Damage Nazi Forces
    The Warsaw Jews took over the ghetto and fought the Nazi forces as much as they can with homemade bombs and weapons. Though the Nazis regain control of the Hhetto and continue to eliminate the remaining Jews.
    We thought this was imporant because many Jews died during the Holocaust, but some fought back the Nazis bravely which gave courage to others.
  • Big Three Conference in Tehran

    Big Three Conference in Tehran
    The Big Three, Roosevelt, Churchill, and Stalin, had worked together to focus on finishing the war. A conference in Iran brought the three leaders an agreement to have Stalin open borders oulined in the Nazi-Soviet Pact and open a second front against Germany in Western Europe to relieve pressure on Soviet Union.
    We chose this event because it was important for the three big leaders to find a way to defeat Germany and finish the war. With the three giving each other their voice and strategy.
  • Invasion in Italy

    Invasion in Italy
    British and American forces landed in Sicily, Italy and defeated the Italian forces. In a month, Mussolini signed an armistice but Hitler saved him and sent German troops to help. Though for 18 months, US and British forces slowly moved up through the Italian peninsula.
    We chose this event because it was good strategy for the allies to make Hitler moved many of his forces to Italy and have him fight on another front, which weakened him.
  • D-Day

    Ally forces (American, British, and Canadian) launched a suprise invasion of Normany in France, one of the biggest amphibious invasion in history. With over 156,000 Allied troops crossed the English channel and paratroopers dropped behind enemy lines. Wtih a break through German defenses, it brought an advance to Paris.
    This is one of the most recognizable and important events of WWII. An event that lost thousands of lives on a massive invasion.
  • Germany Surrendered

    Germany Surrendered
    After Hitler and his army for starting WWII and then Soviet troops heading closer to Berlin, the Axis armies surrendered. Hitler committed suicide in his underground bunker and then Germany surrendered. May 8, was proclaimed as V-E Day, for Victory in Europe.
    We chose this event because it was the end of a powerful leader who falls and died cowardly. It was intereseting to see the many reasons for the defeat of Germany. Like its location and fighting on several fronts simultaneously.
  • Atomic Bomb over Hiroshima

    Atomic Bomb over Hiroshima
    With Japanese fighting to their death, and American leaders planning on invasion, Scientists found another way to end the war, with a new atomic bomb. On Aug 6, after the warning to Japan, American B-29 bomber dropped the bomb over the city of Hiroshima, and instantly killed 70,000 people. Then many would die from the radiation exposure.
    We chose this because it was a serious and imporant event in WWII, that killed many people. A bomb which the 2nd time forced Japan to surrender and end the war,
  • Japanese Emperor Hirohito Surrenders

    Japanese Emperor Hirohito Surrenders
    After the 2nd drop of the atomic bomb on the city of Nagasaki and the Soviet Union declared war on Japan, the Japanese Emperor surrendered. On Sept 2, Emperor Hirohito signed a formal peace treaty on board the American battleship, USS Missouri.
    We chose this event because it was interesting for the Emperor to sign the treaty on an American battleship and was the last important event at the end of WWII for Japan to surrender and have peace.
  • The United Nations Formed

    The United Nations Formed
    50 nations assembled in San Francisco to form the United Nations (UN). The organization is from the League of Nations but will play a bigger role. Each of the member nations will have the right for one vote. The goal to keep peace.
    We chose this event because this is important for this organization to establish, for many nations to keep peace and face world problems. Without it, the world might not be a better place.
  • NATO Formed

    NATO Formed
    The US, Canada, and 10 other countries formed a new military alliance called the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO). An organization pledged to have countries help one another for future attacks.
    We chose this because this is important to have, so country allies are already formed to help each other for future wars if it happens. This is smart to do, so they already have backup and won't loose an ally.
  • Warsaw Pact Formed

    Warsaw Pact Formed
    The Soviet Union formed its own military alliance, the Warsaw Pact. An alliance with seven satellites in Eastern Europe, unlike NATO in western Europe.
    We chose this because it was interesting to see Russia create its own military alliance rather than joining NATO. With two different military alliance organizations, this can somewhat show the two sides for the next future war if possible. Because both previous world wars include the Allies, Central, and Axis.