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  • World War I ends with German defeat

  • League of Nations founded.

  • Adolf Hitler becomes leader of National Socialist (Nazi) Party.

  • Adolf Hitler becomes Führer of Germany.

  • Nazis order Jews to wear yellow stars.

  • Japanese bomb Pearl Harbor

  • United States and Britain declare war on Japan.

  • Hitler declares war on the United States.

  • Hitler takes complete control of the German Army.

  • Declaration of the United Nations signed by 26 Allied natio

  • Battle at Midway

  • Mass murder of Jews by gassing begins at Auschwitz

  • First all-American air attack in Europe.

  • First bombing raid by Americans on Germany

  • Saipan

  • D-Day

  • Anne Frank and family arrested by the Gestapo in Amsterdam, Holland.

  • Liberation of Paris.

  • Last use of gas chambers at Auschwitz.

  • Battle of the Bulge Begins

  • Battle of Bulge ends

  • Soviet troops liberate Auschwitz.

  • U.S. FOrces cross the rhine river

  • Adolf Hitler commits suicide.

  • eisenhower accepts unconditional surrender in reims

  • V-E (Victory in Europe) Day.

  • First atomic bomb dropped, on Hiroshima, Japan.

  • Second atomic bomb dropped, on Nagasaki, Japan.

  • V-J (Victory over Japan) Day.

  • United Nations is born.